The Akrofuom District Assembly seeks to expand and promote access to quality education and effective management at all levels of education through collaboration with Civil Society Organizations and stakeholders. The vision of the Directorate is to effectively improve education management and planning efficiency across all levels.
Access to education in the District is very high. There are 35 Public KGs in the District. 3,160 pupils in KGs as at 2016/17 academic year, females (1,612) were slightly higher than males (1,578).
The available number of classrooms for public KGs however is inadequate to cater for the population of KG pupils.
Net enrolment rate for females is higher (51.1%) than males which is 49.9percent. The Gender parity Rate is 0.1percent.
The number of KG schools with sanitation facilities is about 57percent in 2016/17. Schools with safe drinking water are 44% and schools with electricity are 38%. KGs schools under trees are 12%. About 3.6 percent schools need some major repairs.
At the primary school level, there are 35 public schools in the District with total enrolment of 6,439, females (3,092) and males (3,347). The NER for females is lower than males.
On the part of JHS access is equally high. There are 75 public JHS in the District. Out of 2,525 students in the JHS level, 1,341 are males whereas 1,183 are females.
There is only one (1) SHS in the District.
There is no Technical Vocational Education and Training School (TVET) and Special Schools in the District.
School Feeding Program
The District benefits from the school feeding program. A total number of nine (9) schools are currently benefiting from the program.
Currently there are 9 caterers and other cookers enrolled in the program. About 3,975 children are benefiting from the program in the nine schools.
Some of the food stuffs are produced and bought locally from the farmers thus increasing the incomes of farmers. The program complements the efforts of parents who cannot afford to provide their wards three square meals a day to their children.
Date Created : 1/31/2019 5:12:27 AM