
The Agona East District (AEDA) was carved out of the Agona District now the Agona West Municipality in 2008. It is one of the 20 Districts in the Central Region. It is situated in the eastern corner of the Central Region. The District has one constituency and five Town/Area Councils. These are: Nsaba, Duakwa, Asafo, Kwanyako and Mankrong Area Councils. The people in the District are predominantly farmers.

History and Geography

The Agona East District Assembly (AEDA) was established through Legislative Instrument (LI) 1921. It has a total land area of 539.7km2. The indigenous people of the District are the ’Agonas’. Over the years, they have co-existed with other prominent minority migrants such as Gomoas, Ewes, Effutus, Ashantis, Fantis, Kwahus, Atakpames, Kotokolis and several other ethnic groupings from northern Ghana.

Ethnic groups like Kwahus and Gomoas are mainly cocoa farmers. Despite the diversity of different ethnic groups, the District has a strong social integration. The groups inter-marry and participate in shared cropping arrangements under the existing land tenure systems, especially the ’Abunu’ and ’Abusa’ which are commonly practiced. This has promoted solid social bonds and economic ties between migrants, tenants and their indigenous landlords. It also makes it easier for tenants to acquire land for farming.

Date Created : 6/6/2018 2:04:20 AM