The Agona East District has a lot of economic potentials in the form of both natural and man-made. as displayed . Though variety of crops and other commercial activities abound in the district, its market infrastructure has not been developed and for this reason, the district cannot boast itself of remarkable trade and commerce.These activities are rather carried out in the adjoining district, specifically in Agona Swedru Town.


The district produces large quantities of cassava, maize, plantain, cocoyam and vegetables.Cocoa, palm oil and coffee are also produced. Granite for the production of quarry stone for all types of construction abound. Mining of sand occurs in several parts of the district, particularly, Swedru. Palm kernel oil is processed into local soap in several of the large communities.

Distillation of local gin is predominant in the Duakwa and Nsaba areas. Duakwa has one giant hotel of international status where workshops and conferences are held.There are important second cycle educational institutions.The district is moderately served by major trunk roads and health facilities.


Date Created : 11/13/2017 5:30:42 AM