• Item
Deputy Chief of Staff provides boreholes to 7 communities in Zabzugu
Zabzugu: Lahinjeli Community cries for toilet facility
Zabzugu District implements infrastructural projects
ZABZUGU: Rainstorm renders dozen homeless
Japan commissions children’s ward at Zabzugu district hospital
Zabzugu DCE asks Ghanaians to focus on national development
Zabzugu DCE slams assassination of Salinkugalana

Relevant Data

Location and Size

The Zabzugu District is located in the eastern part of the Northern Region and covers an area of 1,100.1sqKm2. It shares boundaries with Tatale/Sanguli District to the east, Yendi Municipality to the west, Nanumba North District to the south, and the Soboba District to the north.


Mean annual rainfall for the district is (January-December) 1,125mm. Mean wet season rainfall for the district is (April- October.) 1,150 mm. According to the Ghana Meteorological service the mean dry season rainfall is (November – March) 75mm. Mean annual deficit is between 500 mm and 600 mm. Rainfall is seasonal and unreliable. Temperature ranges between 210C- 36 0C giving rise to high temperature ranges.

Soil and Vegetation

Soils in the district are generally sandy loam with alluvial deposits in the low lands. It is a very rich soil, which results in the growth of yam, cassava, maize, groundnuts, millet, sorghum, rice and other crops. The vegetation of the district is guinea savannah, though some areas in the southern part fall within the transitional zone. Economic trees such as Dawadawa, Shea, Teak, Kapok and Mango can be found. There are also tall grasses, shrubs, and thorny trees.


The district has one large water body thus, the River Oti that flows through the district. A number of streams, dugouts, valleys and hills are also found at various locations in the district, as components of the natural environment.



Date Created : 12/6/2017 4:05:11 AM