Development Focus: To foster unity, peace and harmony amongst the major ethnic groups as well as the minority tribes whilst pursuing plans and programmes to improve and sustain the living standards of all people living within the District.
1. To increase household food availability and improve the management and utilisation of food.
2. To establish and sustain the youth in employment programme.
3. To enhance the development of Information and Communication Technology in the District.
4. Ensure the provision and maintenance of road transport.
5. Increase access to electricity supply and improve environmental management practices among household and communities.
6. To promote competitive rural micro and macro enterprises sector by rendering quality, easily accessible and sustainable services.
- To facilitate the modernization of agricultural production to achieve food self sufficiency
- To facilitate the production of agricultural commodities for export.
- To formulate and co-ordinate policies and programmes for the agricultural sector
- To strengthen the institutional capacity of MOFA
- To establish, strengthen and maintain intra and inter sectoral linkages
- To create 1660 jobs for the youth by December 2009.
- To make telephone and internet services accessible to people of the District.
- To improve accessibility to Communities and major markets.
- To extend electricity to cover 30% of the District and also encourage afforestation.
- To develop and enhance the skills of rural enterprises.
1. To encourage and assist farmers to increase food production.
2. To encourage farmers to diversify production of both domestic and cash crop production.
3. To increase livestock production and productivity.
4. Establish Management and information system.
5. To enhance the capacity of Extension agents.
6. Identify and register youth without jobs.
7. Advocate for more telephone facilities to be established in the District.
8. Construct/reshape feeder roads in the District.
9. Lobby for more communities to be hooked to the national grid.
10. Encourage tree planting.
11. Package training programmes for rural enterprises.
Human Resource Development
- To provide quality education for all at the Pre-School to Tertiary levels that are relevant and responsive to the Socio-economic and cultural needs of the society.
- To reduce preventable diseases, improve and increase access, utilization and quality of health services, especially maternal and child health.
- To increase the availability, access and hygienic utilization of safe drinking water and improve sanitation.
1. To increase enrolment and retention at all levels by 30% by December 2009.
2. T o narrow the gender gap further from 96 to 10 at the primary level by the end of 2009.
3. To increase the performance at BECE from 48% to 70% by December 2009.
4. To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of management and supervision in schools.
5. To increase the participation in science and technical education by 30% by end of 2009.
6. To promote counseling services and psycho-social and survival skills in all schools by December 2009.
7. To increase the enrolment of children with disabilities by 40% by the end of December 2009.
8. To reduce the prevalence of malaria in children under 5 year from current 33% to 15% by December 2009.
9. To reduce the prevalence of diarrhoea in children under 5 years from current 13% to 4% by December 2009.
10. To increase potable water coverage from 78% to 100 % by December 2009.
11. To increase sanitation coverage from 11% to 35% by December 2009.
12. To ensure all communities with water and sanitation facilities own and manage their facilities by December 2009.
- Intensify community sensitization.
- Provide classroom infrastructure.
- Implement/monitor policy on fees.
- Provide sponsorship to brilliant but needy pupils, especially girls.
- Monitor girl-child interventions.
- Provide information, communication, and education materials on girls.
- Create girl-friendly/child friendly schools.
- Establish libraries.
- Provide teaching and learning materials.
- Motivate teachers/students/learners
- Organise training programmes for teachers.
- Assess and evaluate the performance of students/learners.
- Ensure effective monitoring and supervision of teaching and learning.
- Build the capacity of local committees e.g. PTA, SMC.
- Revitalize science laboratories.
- Expand access to the Science, Technology, Mathematics and Education (STME) Clinics.
- Promote HIV/AIDS alert programmes in school.
- Intensify health education on the mode of transmission and prevention of malaria and the need for early treatment.
- To encourage people to register with the District mutual health insurance scheme.
- Educate public on personal hygiene and promotion on the usage of ORS in treatment of diarrhoea.
- Construct and rehabilitate water facilities.
- To promote household VIP latrine, safe public toilets and hygiene education.
- To enhance capacities of communities/institutions to own and manage water and sanitation facilities.
Date Created : 11/27/2017 5:29:34 AM