There are three main ethnic groups in the District and these are the Dagombas, Konkombas and Bassares. Smaller groups like the Hausas, Battors, Kotokolis, Kabres and Fulanis also live in the District. In some Communities, Chiefs see to the administration and political issues in their people and in others elders see to it.
The family is the microcosm of the people of the District where compound life incorporates many family members. Members of the family play a critical role in transmitting to the child the culture based moral values and beliefs of the family, and community. Polygamous marriages are pronounced in the District.
Among some ethnic groups in the District a mother was betrothed to her potential husband at tender age. Betrothal of girls by their parents before birth was a common practice.The Dagombas in the District celebrate the Damba, Fire and Eid festivals, whiles the Bassares and Konkombas celebrate the yam and Christmas festivals.
The district has a total population of 63,815. The ethnic groups in the district are Dagombas, Kokombas, Basare, Fulanis, and the Ewes. The Ewes are mainly settler fishermen who have settled along the major River, Oti to engage in fishing. The Fulanis who have also settled in the District are herdsmen for the indigenous people.
The Zabzugu District forms part of the Dagbon Traditional Kingdom with the King (the Ya- Naa) as the President whose court and administrative headquarters is in Yendi in the Yendi Municipality. The Zabzugu Chief (Yelizoli-Lana) is the divisional chief who expresses his traditional administrative authority over the Zabzugu district.
Chiefs see to the traditional administration and also serve as the custodians of the land. The District, like many other districts in the Northern Region boasts of a variety of festivals. Prominent among them are Damba, Fire (Bugum) and Eid festivals celebrated by the Dagombas while the Bassares and Konkombas celebrate the Yam and Christmas festivals.
The district has a lot of untapped tourism potentials in the following areas: Naa Zangina’s Grave at Sabare, Naa Zangina’s Mosque at Sabare, Water Falls, the Steep Slope at Kukuokpanga, Checheboni Waterfalls at Mogneigu, the Grave Yard of Spiritual leaders at Sabare, etc.
Date Created : 11/27/2017 5:10:52 AM