Location and Size
The Denkyembuor District is located at the South-Western corner of the Eastern Region. It shares boundaries with Kwaebibirem and Akyemansa Districts to the North, West Akim Municipality to the South and Birim Central Municipality to the South-West.
Relief and Drainage
The major mountain range, the Atiwa Range, is found in the North-East of the District around Dwenase and Apinamang which are notable towns. Apart from this area, the general height in the District is less than 500meters above sea level. The Birim River traverses the District from the North to the South. Besides the Birim River, there are other notable rivers such as Mmo, Abanza, Subinsa, Aweasua and Supong.
Temperature ranges between a minimum of 26.50C and a maximum of 270C. The District lies within the semi-equatorial climate zone with a double maxima rainfall regime. The highest monthly rainfall is 414.0mm.
The District lies within the semi-deciduous forest zone and the vegetation consists of low-lying species of hardwood. Large plantations of oil palm have been cultivated in Okumaning and Kusi and other parts of the District.
Geological Resources
The District is greatly endowed with diamond which the Great Consolidated Diamond Company Ltd is currently mining on one of its concessions, the rest are reserves in Akwatia, Wenchi and Topremang. These precious minerals also occur in pockets elsewhere in the District that could be exploited. Gold deposits also exist around Apinamang.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 6:01:31 AM