The economy of Denkyembuor District is predominantly agrarian with the production of both food and cash crops on subsistent and commercial bases representing about three quarters of the working population. Commercial mining of Diamond is done in the district.

Trade, Commerce and agro-base business are the main features of the District economy. Small-scale oil palm processing are the main activities people engage in. People cart agricultural produce like palm oil, maize, plantain etc. out of the district and bring in products that are not locally produced.

The Denkyembuor District has congenial climate for agricultural activities. The District produces a wide variety of both cash and food crops. These include crops such as cocoa, orange and oil palm. Food crops grown include plantain, cocoyam, cassava and cereals, as well as vegetables. Animal husbandry is also practiced on small-scale bases. The Oil Palm Research Institute and the University of Ghana Agricultural Research Stations are all located in the District. The District has large oil palm plantations cultivated by individuals and corporate organizations such as the Ghana Oil Palm Plantation Development Company Limited (GOPDC).

The main industrial activities in the local economy are agro-based. Small-scale oil palm processing mills abound in the district. These are common in Kusi, Wenchi, Takorowase and Anweaso. In addition, there is the Great Consolidated Diamonds Limited at Akwatia and small-scale mining concession at Apinamang and other towns for further exploration. There are small-scale timber-milling plants at Boadua.




Date Created : 11/24/2017 2:29:02 AM