Location and Size
The district has a very strategic location especially its capital New Abirem as it is situated among major commercial towns such as Nkawkaw, Oda and Kade. With improved road conditions linking the district to these commercial centers, the economy of the district stands a better chance of being improved. New Abirem can be described as a nodal or a confluence town as it is located at the meeting point of the Nkawkaw- Oda-Kade roads.
The district covers an estimated total land area of 1,250 square kilometers. It covers about 6.47 percent of the total land area of the Eastern Region. It is now the second largest district in terms of land area after the Afram Plains District, which has an estimated land area of 5,260 square kilometers in the Eastern Region.
Relief and Drainage
The district is mostly undulating and mountainous in nature. The hilly areas of the district are basically made up of lava flows and schist, which in some cases rise to over 61 metres above sea level. These areas have high rainfall of about 170cm per annum. The lower areas of the district are also made up of phyllite and greywacke. These areas have relatively low rainfall compared with the hilly areas.
The height of the district is not uniform. The area to the east of Akoasi up to the northeastern part of the district has an elevation of about 244 metres above sea level. Also, the area from Amunana Praso in the north to Tweapiase in the east, New Abirem and Hwiakwai in the south and Ntronang and Praso Kuma in the west rises to a height between 243-183 metres above sea level.
The central part of the district comprising the area stretching from the south of New Abirem, the district capital through Nkwateng, Brenase, Ofoase, Ayeribi to Otwereso in the south and Akokoaso in the east can be described as very low lying areas. This area rises to a maximum height of 61 metres. Finally the area to the west of Brenase, Otwereso to the eastern boundary of the district and the area stretching from Ayinasi, Abenase and Adjobue to the southern end of the district has an elevation between 61 metres and 122 metres above sea level.
The district is drained mainly by two great and historical rivers, the Pra and its tributary the Birim, which is a tributary of the Pra River their major tributaries. The Pra River serves as the boundary between the district and the two districts in the Ashanti Region, while the Birim River serves as the southern boundary of the district. The tributaries of these rivers include the Nwi, Mamang, Adechensu, Sukrang and Afotosu.
All these rivers and streams flow generally from the northeast to the southwest to join the Pra, which flows southwards and enters the sea at Shama in the Western Region. This number of rivers and streams has high volumes of water, which is a very good potential in boosting agricultural production in the district. This potential is least utilized in the agricultural sector in the district. The district should take advantage of these streams and rivers to boost crop production all year to create employment, reduce poverty in the district and supply agricultural produce all year round to its dependant districts. Moreover, these water bodies could also be harnessed and treated to supply potable water to many of the towns in the district.
Climatic conditions
The district lies within the wet semi-equatorial climatic zone that experiences substantial amounts of precipitation. It experiences a double maxima rainfall pattern. The first rainfall season starts from late March to early July and the second season is from mid August to late October. The amount of rainfall received in the district is between 150 cm and 200 cm reaching its maximum during the two peak periods of May-June and September - October yearly.
Temperatures range between an average minimum of 25.2 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 27.9 degrees Celsius. The district has a relative humidity of about 55-59 per cent throughout the year. This high amount of rainfall and moderate temperatures has the potential of improving and sustaining agricultural activities in the district. This climatic condition supports the cultivation of food crops and tree crops such as oil palm and cocoa. This has given rise to increasing farming activities in the district. This climatic condition confirms why the district is mostly described as an agrarian distinct.
The district lies within the Semi-deciduous forest belt of Ghana comprising tall trees with evergreen undergrowth. The forest contains large species of economic trees. These trees are highly valuable for the timber industry.
The district is home to nine forest reserves. The rapid expansion of the cocoa and oil palm industries in the district is changing the original forest into a secondary type. This type of vegetation with its associated undergrowth prevents the soil from erosion and adds humus to improve the soil’s fertility. This makes the soil rich in nutrients and supports crop production in the district. The vegetation is also home to many wild life species which provides meat to a portion of the population. Frequent bushfires have also contributed to the change that is occurring in the original vegetation.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 5:38:19 AM