Monitoring & Evaluation

This section deals with the monitoring and evaluation of the Birim North Medium Term Development Plan (2006 – 2009). It is extremely important to institute measures to keep track of and assess the implementation and management of development projects. The various activities to be carried out to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plan to achieve the desired results will be discussed under this section.


Monitoring is a valuable management and learning tool for effective development of projects. It is a control mechanism which limits the level of deviation and keeps the implementation processes of projects on track. In line with this, a series of activities have been designed to keep track of the implementation of the plan. With respect to this plan, the monitoring involved an assessment of the following:

• The various projects/activities to be carried out under each goal of the district

• The activities of thematic area, their relations to other thematic area and its consistency with national and global aspirations as a whole. Also the monitoring will assess if the work plan is being carried out as planned, this raises questions such as what delays or difficulties, if any, have emerged that need to be addressed.

• Communication flow and co-ordination of activities and efforts of the various stakeholders involved in the implementation of the project.

These shall be assessed in relation to the targets of the projects through a routine collection and analysis of information. This exercise is aimed at helping staff and clients to improve upon the set projects being implemented. It is also aimed at ensuring accountability to all stakeholders executing the projects outlined – staff, clients, donors, etc. The monitoring exercise would be carried out by technical staff drawn from relevant agencies. It would cover the entire planned period to ensure a successful medium term development.


Evaluation is the assessment of the impact of interventions in order to determine whether the set objectives have been achieved or not or whether there is need to review the plans and implementation strategies. Evaluation can be undertaken in three main forms namely, output, outcomes and impact. This is conducted based on clearly defined acceptable indicators which have been set to realize an expected output, outcome or impact.

Outcome evaluation assesses the effects of the projects on a target area and population. Outcome evaluation is used here to help identify the projects strengths, weaknesses and relevance to local communities and on the lives of community members. This type of evaluation would entail not only a judgment on whether the project addresses its immediate objectives or results, but other questions which goes further than output results to address the purposes and achievement after the output. This form of evaluation aims at addressing the following issues:

1. A translation of outputs or results into social, economic and political benefits (development principles) in which

    the projects addresses and whether the objectives and the programme design make sense in terms of this reality.

2. An analysis of the planned and unplanned results to determine whether the project has snowball effects which

    can generate other activities and impacts.

The District Planning and Co-coordinating unit should start monitoring as soon as the actual implementation

of projects begin.

The unit should particularly look for the following in the process of monitoring:

• Whether the progress of the projects is on schedule

• Whether the quality of work is done up to the prescribe standard; and

• Whether inputs arrive on the site at the appropriate time and in the right quantities.

The preparation of a monitoring report for consideration by the Assembly. The monitoring report should be prepared based on the format prescribed by the National Development Planning Commission.




Date Created : 11/23/2017 10:15:37 AM