Relevant Data

Location and size


The climate of The District is tropical, greatly influenced by the South-West Monsoons from the South-Atlantic and the dry Harmattan winds from the Sahara. There are two rainy seasons, the major one starts from mid-April to early July and the minor from September to November. The average annual rainfall varies from 900mm to 1100mm with more than 50 percent of occurring in the major season. Rainfall generally is inadequate even during the major season, which adversely affects both crop and cattle production in the District. Temperature and relative humidity vary little throughout the year. The mean temperature is 27ºC whiles the daily minimum and maximum temperature is 22º C to 33º C respectively. Average relative humidity is about 80percent, making the weather quite conducive for farming activities.


The District lies within the tropical savannah grassland zone. The vegetation is dense along the Volta River and other river basins beyond which, it is sparsely spread, mostly grassland, interspersed with Nem trees, Guinea grass and Fan palms.

Geology and Soil

There are dominantly medium to moderately coarse textured alluvial soils along the Volta River. Below these are the heavier clay soils that characterize most parts of The District, leading to poor surface and sub-surface drainage, making road development difficult. These soils are also very difficult to cultivate because they have low water holding capacity. They are also shallow (low effective rooting depth). They are however, suitable for rice and sugarcane cultivation under irrigation. They form the raw material for pottery, brick and tile industries. The District also abounds in rocks such as igneous and sedimentary in some areas.

Relief and Drainage

The main water body watering the North Tongu District is the Volta River. The District is also drained by the Alabo, Kolo, Aklakpa, Gblor, Bla (Bla-Battor), Anyorgborti (Aveyime) and Nyifla streams and their numerous tributaries into the Volta River, which runs North – South through The District. In the rainy season, these streams sometimes overflow their banks, causing damage to roads and farms.


Date Created : 11/29/2017 3:59:15 AM