• Item
A 73- year-old farmer adjudged Municipal best farmer in Offinso
Offinso M: Assembly Members end capacity building workshop
Ghana Integrity Initiative holds anti-corruption forum in Offinso Koforidua
COVID 19: Offinso South NDC distribute PPEs to constituents
COVID-19: Offinso Assembly improves emergency preparedness
Offinso Municipal inaugurates 8-member census committee
Do not seek your personal interest ahead of the public good – MCE

Relevant Data

Location and Size

Offinso Municipal lies between longitude 1’ 65W and 1’ 45E and latitudes 6’ 45N and 7’ 25 S. and it covers an area of 1255km2. It is located in the extreme North-Western part of the Ashanti Region with about half of its boundary borders by the Brong Ahafo Region in the North and West. It is bordered on the East by Ejura- Sekyeredumasi District on the South by Kwabre Sekyere South, Ahafo Ano South and Atwima Districts.


Topographically the land is generally undulating. Low lying areas or plains exist in the Nkenkaasu-Afrancho area with elevation of between 600- 1000ft above sea level.


The soil of Offinso Municipal are developed from parent materials of varied rock types of different geological origin. The parent materials are Granite, Voltain Rocks and Lower Birimian Rocks. The soil develop from the granite are Kumasi - Offinso association, Boamang-Suko association, Bekwai- Oda association, Adujamso - Bechem association, these soils are porous, red, well drained and are suitable for both tree and arable crops. Soils developed over the Voltain rocks and the Birimian rocks also support crops like cocoa, coffee, cashew, and plantation among others.

Geology and Minerals

The Municipal is endowed with large deposits of sand and clay. The Municipality is also endowed with granite rocks, which from the basis of quarry stones in the southern and extreme northern ends. Sand winning and stone quarrying activities are practised in the Municipality.

Date Created : 11/29/2017 2:30:48 AM