Relevant Data

  Location and Size

The Atwima Mponua District is located in the south-western part of the Ashanti Region covering an area of approximately 894.15 square kilometers. It lies between longitude 2o00’W and 2*32’W and latitude 6o32’N and 6o75’N. The District shares boundary with eight Districts, principally in the South with the Amansie West District, Ahafo Ano South to the north, Atwima Nwabiagya in the East and Bibiani – Anwhiaso – Bekwai District of the Western Region. Nyinahin, the capital is more in the west of the west of the District, about 45km from Kumasi.


Vegetation and Forest Resources

The vegetation is basically of the semi – deciduous type. The flora and fauna is diverse and composed of different species of both economic and ornamental tree species with varying heights and game and wildlife. Forest occurs along the major rivers and streams. There are three (3) forest reserves in the district stocked by such valuable timber species as wawa, sapele, esa, asafena etc. The reserves include the Asanayo, Gyemara, and Tano - Offin Forest Reserves. The vegetation of the District has been extensively disturbed by human activities depriving the District of valuable tree species and other forest products.

Geology and Mineral Endowment

The District is underlain by the Birimain and Tarkwaian rocks that are rich in minerals such as gold and bauxite. Gold bearing rocks are found at Ntroboso, Bontomuruso, Anwiafutu, Kyekyewere and Aniamoa. Bauxite is found in Nyinahin. Gold prospecting is going on in a number of places in the District. The Nyinahin bauxite however remains un-exploited.

Date Created : 11/28/2017 4:22:08 AM