Local Economic Development

There are several Local Economic Enterprises in the Atwima Mponua District. They include Sawmill enterprises, Gari processing, ‘akpeteshie’ distillery, cocoa buying enterprises and SMEs These enterprises provide employment for the inhabitants and serve as sources for raising financial resources for the development of the district. In line with the beneficial outcomes associated with these Local Economic-based Enterprises, the District Assembly undertakes training programs with the aim of enhancing the technical and financial capacities of these enterprises. For instance, the sawmill enterprises which are into processing of timber into furniture and other products are periodically trained through the auspices of the Business Advisory Unit at the district level to enhance their efficiency and operations in the positive direction. The table below presents a summary of local economic needs in the district.

District’s Economic and Social Development Expectations

The District’s Economic and Social Development Expectations for the next four years include the following. Economically, the district expects to improve agricultural financing, enhance efficiency and competitiveness of small and medium scale enterprises and improve fiscal revenue mobilization. Socially, the district expects to bridge the equity gap in access to health care, create and sustain sufficient and effective transportation system and to ensure inclusive and equitable access to and participation at all levels of education in the district.

 District Economy

The District Economy is classified into three major sectors namely Agriculture, Manufacturing (Industry) and Service (Commence). Details are discussed below.


The District has only two Rural Banks.  The Amanano Rural Bank located in Nyinahin and Atwima Rural Bank located in Mpasatia. Most of the citizenry access baking services at either Nkawie or Bibiani which is expensive considering the transportation involves. Electronic banking in the form of mobile money services have therefore taken a central place in financial transactions in the district with MTN been the foremost. The limited number of banking facilities in the district is worsening the saving culture amongst residents.


Date Created : 11/24/2017 1:23:39 AM