The major road in the Municiaplity is the Accra – Takoradi road which dissects the municipality. The major towns are either along the coast or along this main highway. Beyond the main highway, it’s mostly linked by second and third class roads. Fore example, the coastal settlements are linked to Saltpond by either a second class road or a third class road. However, the transportation network is expected to improve with re-surfacing of the Yamoransa-Kumasi road. Trading is an important economic activity in the municipality and involves the sale of both agricultural and manufactured goods. Mankessim is known throughout the country as one of the most important trading towns in Ghana.

 Other important trading towns are Saltpond itself, Esuehyia and Otuam. There is a municipal hospital at Saltpond, as well as a public sector run health centre at Anomabu. Other health care facilities are privately run. A few private hospitals can be found at Mankessim, Saltpond, Anomabu, Abor Junction and Otuam. The municipality has several educational institutions at the various settlements and they include day nurseries, through primary schools, and senior secondary schools, as well as vocational, technical and commercial settlements and they include school which can be found at Bariwa. Also, there are two senior secondary schools sited at Saltpond, and one each at Essekyir and Anomabu.

The major road in the municipality is the Accra-Takoradi road, which divides it into two. Besides this main highway second and third class roads mostly link Saltpond to the coastal settlements. With the partial implementation of the 1996-2000 Medium Term Plan (see table15 below) the transportation network has improved greatly in the last 5 years especially after the completion of the resurfacing of the Yamoransa-Kumasi trunk road.


Of the 186 communities in Mfantseman District 32 are yet to be hooked to the national grid. To enhance economic activities, the Government has planned to extend power to these areas under the SHEP programme


Communities to the West  are connected to a pipe-borne water system from Bremsu Water works in Cape Coast. However, frequent power outages coupled with low capacity performance of the system render supply of water irregular. The Eastern communities having no reliable source of potable water supply depend mainly on boreholes, wells and rivers which expose them to several water-borne diseases.

Post and Telecommunication

There exist Post Offices at Saltpond, Essarkyir, Anomabo and Mankessim. Modern telecom cellsites are also located at Otuam, Mankessim and Saltpond which provide a wide range of telecom services to subscribers in and around the Municipality.


Banking services are widely available in the District and foremost among the financial institutions providing services are: Ghana Commercial Bank, Mfantseman Community Bank, Nyankumasi-Ahenkrow Rural Bank, Kakum Rural Bank and Ekumfiman Rural Bank.

Date Created : 11/24/2017 5:10:42 AM