Micro/ Economy
Agriculture: Farming and fishing constitute the main economic activities of the Assembly, employing about three-quarters of the total workforce (source: "Ghana: We Mean Business. A Guide to Ghana’s 110 Districts" ) The former is done in almost all parts of the assemblies, especially in the inland areas and crops cultivated include cocoa, oil palm, pineapples, oranges, plantain, beans and cocoyam. Fishing is done mainly along the coast in settlements such as: Biriwa, Anomabo, Otuam, Abandze, and Kormantse’.
Commerce: Trading is an important economic activity in Mfantseman and it involves the sale of both agricultural and manufactured goods. Mankessim is reputed nationally as an important center of national commerce. Other important trading towns are: Saltpond, Essuehyia, Anomabo and Yamoransa.Small-scale processing: The processing of sugarcane into local gin is done at Egyaa and palm oil is processed at Akobima. There is the potential for other small-scale manufacturing activities in view of the massive resource endowments.
Minerals Exploitation: Minerals exploited include Kaolin (for building and ceramics) that supports the Saltpond ceramics factory, talc, granite and silica. Crude Oil is also mined off the coast of Saltpond. Although these mineral resources exist, sometimes in feasible quantities, only a feeble attempt is made at making them a strong base of the Assemblies economy because the Assembly itself has exercised little control or influence on their exploitation.The mining activities in kaolin, feldspar and gold currently being undertaken on small scale contribute insignificantly to the economy. To support the much-desired economic growth the 1996-2000 achieved a moderate success in the construction and rehabilitation of markets and their accessories.
Thanks in part to the availability of the necessary funds. It is also revealed that much work is left to be done especially in the current plan if the bulk of farming and fishing products are to be marketed without the usual tears. To support the much-desired economic growth the 1996-2000 achieved a moderate success in the construction and rehabilitation of markets and their accessories. Thanks in part to the availability of the necessary funds. It is revealed that much work is left to be done especially in the current plan if the bulk of farming and fishing products are to be marketed without the usual tears.
Date Created : 11/24/2017 2:19:56 AM