Agriculture is the dominant economic activity in the District making it one of the major agrarian economies in the District. The major agriculture activities are crop production, animal rearing and fishing. The sector employs over 60 percent of the labout force making it the largest employer in the District.
Crop production
Generally, agriculture is carried out mainly by smallholder farmers and fishers in the area. Such simple implements as cutlasses and hoes are used in land preparation. These smallholder farmers consume most of the farm produce themselves and sell the rest for some income that can keep the family going up to some time. The main crops cultivated are maize and cassava. These are cultivated throughout the District but more intensely around Peki and Sanga.
Potential for vegetable production in the area is very high. Large scale production of exotic vegetables and fruits for export goes on at Peki Agbatey by Equitorial Ventures, while Tak Farms at Adzebui produces vegetables and mangoes.
The potential exists for a large number of farmers to be trained by this company to serve as out-growers.
Livestock Production
Almost every farm household rears a few animals like local poultry, sheep and goats, at the backyard but not on commercial basis. Apart from the commercial poultry production at the Kpeve Agricultural station, there is no well established poultry farm in the District. Infact, the District is a net importer of poultry products. The Peki Agbate settlement farm has facilities for each household breading 200 birds and the presence of the Agric station should impart on animal husbandry in the District.
Rural Poultry Improvement Project which supply improved cockerels to farmers to upgrade the local chicken is on-going at the Kpeve Agricultural Station.
Many farmers in the area are showing interest in grasscutter rearing. In addition, alternative livelihoods like snail rearing, mushroom production and bee-keeping have attracted interest in the district and must be encouraged.
Artisanal fishing (river fishing) accounts for the bulk of fish landed in the District. Migrant fishermen who supply about 20% of the District daily requirement of fish carry out most of the inland fishing on the Volta Lake.
Inland canoe fishing on the Volta Lake is characterized by
- Low fish catch
- Use of small mesh nets
- Illegal fishing methods-bamboo traps, use of poisonous chemicals, etc.
- Child labour in fishing is rampant among the fishing communities.
Fish landings have increased steadily over the years at Dzemeni. Not withstanding the increase in the volume of fish landed, there is a problem with the use of inappropriate fishing methods that threatens the sustainability of the industry.
Agric Extension Services
Agricultural Extension Agents (AEA) are fairly distributed in the district to facilitate agricultural production and increased productivity in the area. The Kpeve Agricultural Station conducts research, supplies planting materials and breeding animals to farmers
There were some vital activities being carried out in the Agricultural Sector of the District prominent among them were, introduction of improved varieties of crops and breeds of livestock.
35 males and 7 females benefited from the improved varieties of crops and bread of livestock. Block Farming (Grain maize production at Kpeve and Agbateh a total of 64.4 hectors was cultivated by 12 farming groups and the estimated yield 135mt.
Promotion of local Foods from January to December 2011 187 males and 3444 females benefited.
Monitor crop and livestock demonstration by the District Director of Agric in each Operational Areas. Supply of veterinary drugs, treat sick animals and vaccination of animals were given out free vaccination of goats, sheep and cattle against APPR and CBPP.
Celebration of 27th Farmers’ Day at Wegbe Kpalime was successful, the Assembly supported the programme and 22 farmers were awarded.
Date Created : 11/23/2017 5:25:39 AM