Agriculture, forestry and fishing are the dominant industries in the District with a total of 18,409 persons representing 76.8 percent of the employed in the District. This sector remains the backbone of the District’s economy. In terms of gender the sector employs 78.7 percent of males and 75.3 percent of female workers.
Wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles is next after agriculture with 9.7 percent of the population 15 years and older. Slightly more females (10.4%) are engaged in wholesale and retail trade in in spare parts for the repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in the District than their male counterparts (9.0%).
The third industry by employment status is manufacturing (4.5%). The manufacturing industry is more favorable to females as 6.3 percent of females are engaged in the industry, compared to the 2.4 percent of males.
Table 4.4 further illustrates that air condition supply, real estate activities, administrative and support service activities and activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies are rear in the District.
Date Created : 11/23/2017 2:38:05 AM