Literacy and Education
Literacy is defined as the ability to read and write a simple statement in any language with understanding. It is essential to the development of every economy. The more literate a country’s population is, the more likely it is able to generate and use data for the country’s development, as well as implement its development programmes better.
About one-third of the population (37.0%) is literate. Of this, 71 percent is literate in only English, 3.3 percent in Ghanaian language, 25.1 percent English and Ghanaian language. The table shows that the proportion with literacy in English language decreases with increasing age.
School Attendance and level of education
The District has a population of 18,462 who are 3 years and older and currently attending school. Of the population currently attending school, 54.5 percent is male and 45.5 percent female. Over One-half (50.3%) of those currently in school are in primary school, 16.4 percent in JSS/JHS and only 5.3 percent in SSS/SHS. Less than two percent (1.6%) obtained post-secondary or tertiary education. Similarly, the majority (42.9%) of those who attended school in the past only got to primary education. About seven percent (7.1%) attained post-secondary and tertiary education.
Date Created : 11/23/2017 2:12:17 AM