The term industry referred to the type of product produced or service rendered at work place. Available data from the 2010 Population and Housing Census indicates that agriculture, forestry and fishing industry employs the bulk of the population with that industry absorbing about 69.1 percent of the total number of employed persons, making the district an agrarian one.
The second most important industry based on the level of employed people is manufacturing which is responsible for about 13.3 percent of all employed people. Considering the gender component, the majority of males are employed in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry (83.1%) which is higher than the corresponding proportion of 53.9 percent for females in that industry. However, the manufacturing industry, the second most important industry in the District, actually employs a higher proportion of females (24.7%) compared to only 2.9 percent for the corresponding proportion for males in this industry.
The industrial sector is the least developed in the district. Industrial activities are virtually absent and heavily reliant on local indigenous technology, raw materials and resources, individual family ownership and the use of labour intensive method of production. Few industrial activities at very low scale such cassava processing, brewery, tailoring, petty carpentry, blacksmithing, and hairdressing can be found in almost every locality.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 8:12:34 AM