Programme of Action
With the framework of the government of Ghana’s development approach as contained in the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy, this chapter identifies the development programmmes, which can accelerate socio-economic development for increased poverty reduction in the district. Based on the above framework, an integrated development programme is proposed for the Krachi District.
Development Programmes
The integrated development path opted for the district within the plan period (2006 - 2009), is compared of three main development programmes and these classified into packages outline below.
Logical Framework
The logical framework has been adopted to logically organize the various components of the development programmes that were identified for the period 2000 - 2004. It shows the overall development goal, programme, purpose, results and activities. Additionally, the framework incorporates objectively verifiable indicators to measure the achievement of the target set under the assumed political, social, economic and environment during the plan period.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 8:03:04 AM