Location and size

The District is located in the eastern flank of the Northern Region and covers an area of about 1,130sq. Kilometres with a population density of 66.2 persons per sqkm. It falls between Longitudes 0057’N and 00 57’W and Latitudes 9016N and 9034 N. It shares boundaries with the Republic of Togo to the east, Zabzugu District to the west, Nanumba North and South and Nkwanta Districts to the south, and Saboba District to the north                                                                                                                                    

Figure 1.1: District Map of Tatale-Sanguli District

The District is spatially located in the Eastern corridor of Northern Region. As a result, giving it the opportunity to interact with her neighbours to the East (Togo) particulary in the area of Commerce and traditional exchange programmes due to cultural and tribal linkages that exists among some inhabitants of the District and Togo. Notwithstanding the above, the entire District cannot boast of a km of an asphaltic road in addition to insecurity posed by armed robbers in their attacks of vehicles from Tamale and Yendi enroute to Tatale.

Despite these drawbacks, on the whole the District has remarkably chalked some successes in her drive to bring development to the doorsteps of the people.

Geophysical Characteristics


The District experiences two main seasons during the year – the dry and the raining seasons. The dry season starts from late October to early May. Farming activities noted for this period are: harvesting of rice, cassava, Yam, drying of foodstuffs, preparation of farmlands and raising of yam mounds. This season is also noted for hunting and burning of bushes for game 

Most fire disasters occur during this period. Dry harmattan winds from the Sahara are experienced during the months of November to February. The coldest nights in the year are experienced in the months of December, January and February, while the hottest nights are experienced in the months of March, April and May. The mean annual maximum temperature ranges between 320C and 350C while the mean minimum temperature is between 210C and 220C The second season which is, the raining season, span from late May to early October. The annual average rainfall is 1200mm. It is characterized by inaccessibility of some parts of the District due to bad roads. This period is also associated with lean or food insecurity period (June to early August). Cultivation and sowing is done during this period. Late August begins harvesting of early groundnuts, yam and maize.


The vegetation of the District is guinea savannah, though some areas in the southern aspect fall within the transitional zone. Economic trees such as Dawadawa, Teak, Kapok and Mango can be found. There are also tall grasses, shrubs, and thorny species.


The natural vegetation in most parts of the District especially, around settlements has disappeared due to over cultivation, overgrazing by animals, over exploitation for fuel wood without replacement. Farming (crop and livestock) is the mainstay of the people.

Extensive use of tractors in farming has led to deterioration of soils and hence loss of productivity. Over fishing, felling of trees and farming along banks of River Oti and use of chemical fertilizers have led to depletion of fishes in the river. Bush burning and hunting have led to partial extinction of some birds, reptiles and animal species that were common in the District (e.g. guinea fowls, antelopes, grass cutters, squirrels, wart-hogs etc.). Cutting of shrubs for yam supports and construction of feeder roads also deplete the Natural environment. The major land degradation issues are the cutting of trees for firewood, charcoal burning and chain saw operation in some parts of the District.


Human settlements in most parts of the District are built with mud and roofed with thatch. A small proportion of the mud houses are plastered with cement. These buildings roofed with 2” x 2” Wawa roofing boards, which are not also solignumed are highly susceptible to rain storm, strong wind hazards and also insect attack. These settlements are not also planned, as a result no drainage systems within communities.


The District has undulating land with hills found in the Sheini/Kandin areas along the Ghana-Togo border.


Soils in the District are generally sandy loam with alluvial deposits in the low lands. It is a very rich soil which results in the growth of yam, cassava, maize, groundnuts, millet, sorghum, rice and other food stuffs.              


There are Iron Ore deposits at Sheini Community, which were being mined by the Russians, but they abandoned the mining after the 1966 Coup in Ghana. Currently no activity is on-going there and currently under the Mineral Commission of Ghana. This deposit of Iron Ore remains the major Investment Potential of the District.


The practice of indiscriminate and intensive felling of trees for fuel, wood as well as charcoal burning as economic activities (mainly by women) in the district adversely affecting the vegetation. Inappropriate farming such as the slash and burn method, over cropping as well as bush burning/fire are seriously affecting the natural vegetation.

The activities of the Fulani Herdsmen in the last two decades particularly in farming areas severely affect the vegetation, leading to deforestation and desertification in the areas. In addition, the emergences of new settlements and expansion of existing one as well as settlement of migrant Fulanis in the district further affect the natural vegetative cover in the district.

Date Created : 4/12/2024 8:07:52 AM