Traditional Administration
Along side the new local government system is that of the Traditional Authority. This is a system of local governance that had been with the people long before colonization.
The Chiefs are the traditional custodians of such traditional local authority. They wield political authority and influence in their areas of jurisdiction. The traditional authority cannot be ignored in any planning and development process.
The Municipality falls within two main traditional areas namely Avenor and Ave to the south and north respectively.
Religious Compositions
There are three major religious denominations in the Municipality, namely Christianity, Islamic and African Traditional religion.
There are a lot of potential tourist sites, which need to be developed. The main attractions in the Municipality however include the following:
Xavi Bird-watching & River-tours Project
The above project is a Community-based Eco-Tourism Project which is a collaborative effort between the Akatsi South Municipal Assembly (i.e. The Wetlands Department) the Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC) Accra, the Ghana Tourist Board (GTB) Ho, the US Peace Corps-Ghana and the Project Community of Xavi. The Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and the US Forestry Service are now assisting the project.
The Assembly has already sunk in some amount of resources including the manufacture of a Canoe for boat tours and bird watching, manufacture of direction Sing/Notice boards, and the provision of accommodation at the Guest House No. I for the US Peace Corps Volunteer.
Klu Adela Museum.
The above project is also a collaborative project between the Assembly, NCRC, GTB and the Klu family of Akatsi (M.O.U singed on file) the Assembly has already committed some funds towards the realization of the project objectives including rehabilitating a room at the Klu family house - Akatsi for the safe custody of the Cultural Artifacts; Acquisition of land for the Cultural Village
Complex, funding of the Documentation and compilation of the History of Klu "Adela".
The Project Proposal has been submitted to the UNESCO Country Director for study and approval for funding.
Traditional Festivals
The Traditional Festivals celebrated in the Municipality are Hogbeza, Agbeliza, Denyaza, Ameshikpe and Ebliza festivals. Hogbeza is celebrated during the second week of December each year to commemorate the migration of the Avenor people from their original home, Avenor-Ketukpe in the Republic of Togo.
The Avenorpedo community celebrates Agbeliza. It is celebrated in the first week of August to recognize the importance of cassava in the life of the people.
The main feature is the exhibition of cassava products namely, gari, tapioca, yakayaka, chips, doughnuts and bread. The best cassava farmer is honoured at a durbar of chiefs and people.
Denyaza is a festival celebrated locally in a number of communities, usually during Easter or Christmas. The main features of these festivals are reconciliation rituals, purification of clan shrines and a congress of the chiefs and people.
The finale is always a grand durbar, which is usually addressed by the President or His representative.
The traditional drumming and dancing are a common feature of such festivals and on all other occasions.
These occasions are for the coming together of citizens of the area especially those residents in other
The Municipal Assembly is to ensure the overall development of its Municipality. It is also charged with the task of programme formulation, budget preparation and promotion of development activities within the Municipality.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 5:17:40 AM