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Persons with disabilities receive business start-up packages
Chereponi District Assembly confirms woman nominee
Chereponi DCE calls for partnership for community development
Chereponi District to terminate contracts because of shoddy work


The Chereponi District has two sub-Districts namely; Chereponi and Wenchiki sub-Districts and two major health facilities namely; the Chereponi and Wenchiki Health Centres. There are 5 CHPS (Community-Based Health Planning and Sendees) compounds at Bumbrunga, Garmkuka, Wonjoga, Nansoni and Tombu.

A rural clinic is currently being constructed at Naja by the District Assembly with support from the European Union. Currently there is no medical doctor in the whole district The human resources of the District Health Medical Team (DHMT) comprise the District Director of Health Sendees (DDHS), 1 District  Public   Health   Nurse   (DPHN),   2   Medical   Assistants,   2 State.

Registered Nurses (SRNs), 1 Midwife, 15 Community Health Nurses (CHNs), 2 Field Technicians, 3 Ward Aids, 1 Clinic Attendant, 38 Health Extension Workers, 1 Laboratory Assistant, 1 Driver and 4 labourers The nurses: patient ratio is 14: 4149. The main reported cases in the district are malaria, diarrhoea, pneumonia, typhoid fever, guinea worm, anaemia, intestinal worms, eye infection, snake bites and to mention just a few.

Major Health Sector Problems

Inadequate staff (skilled and unskilled), inadequate and poor health infrastructure, old/weak motor bikes and vehicles with associated high maintenance cost. Seasonal flooding which renders some communities inaccessible to health service delivery, encroachment of health facilities premises, most deliveries are conducted at homes by both trained and untrained.

Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) resulting in high maternal and infant mortality rates, poor road network especially during the rainy season with some communities cut off, lack of hospital as a referral point for other health facilities in the district. Common Diseases include: Malaria, diarrhoea diseases, Upper respiratory Tract Infection (URTI), Snake bites, Pregnancy with its related complications.

Date Created : 11/17/2017 6:52:28 AM