• Item
Persons with disabilities receive business start-up packages
Chereponi District Assembly confirms woman nominee
Chereponi DCE calls for partnership for community development
Chereponi District to terminate contracts because of shoddy work


Development Projections

District projections are based off trends seen through data collected in the monitoring of departmental activities. These projections are the results of the analysis of data that was collected, and forecast the trends 4 years into the future. It is to be noted that the trends are based off 2008 and 2008 data as the district was only created in 2008. This means that the trends are not completely reliable in some cases, but they still provide the best measureable forecast of the district’s situation into the future.

Despite the expenditure on school infrastructure and focus on student enrollment, there has been limited increases in the WASCE/BECE evaluation results of students in the district.

The District Education system severely lacks trained teachers and the trained teacher:

  • Pupil ratio is too large.
  • Many new schools are empty because students choose to stay at home where their water and sanitation infrastructure is slightly better than at school.
  • The lack of electricity in schools has reduced the penetration of ICT into rural communities.
  • The population of the district has increased by 30%.
  • The natural environment of the district has been degraded because of bad environmental practices, bush burning, and unsustainable farming practices.
  • The delay in the District Assembly Common Fund has caused the district’s development plans to stagnate over the course of the previous 4 years.
  • Aging infrastructure has not been maintained and costs to rehabilitate are very high.
  • The Internally Generated Funds of the district are too low to support the development goals and operations of the district assembly handicapping them in the process.
  • Sensitization and awareness creation on Female and Girl child education to continue especially at the basic School level.
  • Increase in Basic educational infrastructure has no reflection at the Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools.
  • District wide the numbers of untrained Teachers are so much at the Basic level and do not arguer well for good starting.
  • An astronomical increase in the untrained Teachers in 2009 as compared to 2008.Sanitation at the Schools generally is not encouraging and at the low taking into account data on the number of Schools with Toilet and Urinal facilities.
  • Comfort in terms of water provision and facilities is woefully bad and pupil could run home for being tasty.
  • Increase in enrollment for both male and females has no reflection on the number of passes at the Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools.
    Why an increase in the untrained teachers and not trained teachers.
  • Computer training and practice would be difficult at School center with no electricity connectivity.
  • The Population of the District to be increase by 30% by the year 2013.
  • The natural environment to be degraded if measure of kerbing bad environmental practices, bush burning and farming is not instituted.
  • Delay in the major source of funding to the District Assembly the DACF would reflect in retrogressing of development projects and programs as well, overthrow of the comprehensive plans prepared by the District Assembly.
  • What would be the state of ageing infrastructure without a reliable source of funding and revenue to the Chereponi District?
  • The revenue situation (IGF) for the District looking at the current situation and by the year 2013.


  • To construct classroom block at the Junior High School and Senior High School level to absorb the increase completed students at the basic level.
  • To increase the number of trained teachers at the basic level and Junior High School level through sponsorship to teachers bonded to come back to the District to teacher after completion.
  • The “wing system” be instituted and made aware to communities the need to site Classroom blocks at the centre of beneficiary communities to reduce inadequate students in the District.
  • To improve the capacities of NYEP untrained teachers to improve upon their delivery.
  • To site boreholes at Schools without water facilities.
  • To institute rain harvesting system at Schools at an interim measure.
  • To start ICT teaching and learning at schools those are connected to electricity.
  • To connect all schools with electricity to enhance ICT teaching and learning at schools.





Date Created : 11/17/2017 6:17:32 AM