Justice and Security

The District has enjoyed a stable and peaceful environment since its creation. This has been made possible due to the cordial relationship that exists within and between the communities and the District Assembly. The District has a well composed District Security Committee (DISEC) which oversees all security issues in the District. The District has four (4) Police Stations located at Kyekyewere, Tetrem, Boamang, Ahenkro and Kodie. All the Police Stations are found in the Northern portion of the District.

Another police station has been opened at Ahenkro. Additionally, efforts are being made to beef up security personnel in the district and also the opening of additional police station at Atimatim and other areas. Through the effort of DISEC, District Police Command and communities, watchdog committees are being formed to arrest the insecurity situation in the district. Recently, there have been reported cases of armed robbery in some parts of ht district. The DISEC in collaboration with the police and watch dog committees have mounted patrols and checks to arrest the situation.

The District also has one (1) District Court located at Kodie, the District capital.


Date Created : 11/14/2017 8:22:40 AM