The Structure of the District Economy
From the 2010 Population and Housing Census, the service and commerce sub-sector employs more people than the other sub-sectors. For example, the service and commerce employs 55.6% while’s agriculture and industrial employs 28.5%, and 15.9 respectively. The situation can be attributed to the nearness of the district to Kumasi, the regional capital. The status of the district as a peri-urban had also change the district economy from agrarian to service and commerce. Thus, more people are engage in trading activities to serve the people migrating from other areas into the district. Several manufacturing companies have also moved into the district as a result of pressure for space in Kumasi.
Table 1.20: Structure of the Economy
SECTOR | NUMBER | percent |
1. agriculture | 15,022 | 28.5 % |
2. Industry/Manufacturing | 8,400 | 15.9 % |
3. Service/Commerce | 29,300 | 55.6 % |
Total | 52,722 | 100.0 % |
Source: 2010 Population and Housing Census
Investment Potentials in the Afigya Kwabre District
Afigya Kwabre District is one of the districts endowed with rich resources that can pull investors into the district. Investment potentials in the district are described below:
Firstly, the district is found in the Semi-deciduous forest zone. Due to this, the district is endowed with good soil fertility which supports the cultivation of agricultural produce. Crops such as oil palm, cocoa, cassava, plantain, and vegetables are cultivated in the northern part of the district in communities such as Oyira, Kyekyerewere, Boamang, Tetrem, Amponsahkrom, Abidjan etc. the cultivation of these agriculture produce has the potential of attracting investors in setting up industries where agricultural raw materials could be produced into finished products. For instance, Gari processing industry could be set up and cassava would be processed into gari; distillery industries where oil palm would be manufactured into Akptesie, palm kernel, palm oil etc.
The rocky hills of the Nyanao – Opimo association around Ntiribuoho, Nkukua-Buoho and Afrancho, constitute a potential for investment. These rocky hills can be harnessed into building construction as well as road construction. Currently, KAS Quarry industry has been set up in the district and this has helped in creation of employment. Moreover, communities such as Aduman and Kwamang are rich in sand which is used for building construction. This has pulled sand winning industries into the district and serving as employment opportunities.
The district is also endowed with large land which has not been developed. This has attracted the acquisition of large tract of land by Suame Magazine Industrial Development Organisation (SMIDO) at Adubinso in the district for activities of garages.
The district is currently serving as a dormitory town to the regional capital Kumasi. Due to this, most developers and residents are moving to the district. Such developers include the Bebeto Distilleries which produces atinka coffee liquor, atinka Gin etc in Nkwanta Kesse and the Chinese company involved in manufacturing mattresses, pillows, etc in Kodie. More over, the dormitory function of the district is a high investment opportunities where real estate developers could be involved in the provision of housing facilities for hiring and outright sales.
The district is situated in a strategic location linking to the northern parts of Ghana and other countries such as Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger etc. Due to this, most of the heavy duty tracts ply this route. Therefore, it can attract investment opportunities whereby a garage/ parking place would be setup for maintenance, repairs etc. This would help the Assembly and other interested investors to generate revenue as some of these trucks park along the road and other filling stations. Also, it will serve as employment for vulganizers, mechanics and other fittings professionals.
Lastly, the location of the district has attracted investors in setting up filling stations and gas stations. For instance, there are about fifteen (15) filling stations along the Kumasi from Afrancho to Ahenkro. Some of these filling stations include Total, Excel, Frimps, Venus, Sky, So, Shell among others. Moreover, about five (5) gas stations have also been established along the Kumasi – Techiman road.
The POCC analysis is a tool in identifying the potentials, opportunities, constraints, and challenges pertaining in the district. The purpose of the POCC analysis is how best the potentials and opportunities could be utilized in order to overcome the constraints and challenges of the district.
Inadequate local revenue generation | Existence of ISD and NCCE. Establishment of business concerns in the district. Availability of logistics for revenue mobilization. Existence of local FM stations. Rapid urbanization in the district. | Existence of private revenue collection Agencies. Government policies on street naming and Property addressing system. Willingness of Development partners to assist in data collection. | Non-gazetting of DA bye laws. Inadequate database. Unwillingness of the citizens to pay. Inadequate revenue collection staff. Low income levels of the citizens. Undeveloped nature of the market centres. Too many exit routes affecting policing of products out of the district. Inadequate sensitization on pay-your-levy | Political interference on law enforcement. Long processes involved in gazetting of by laws. Threat from HIV and AIDS. Unstable power supply | |
Conclusion: Efforts should be made to sensitize the communities on their civic responsibilities using the ISD and NCCE. Collaboration with development partners and private institutions to develop adequate database for the district. There should be adequate awareness on HIV and AIDS. Creation of barriers at check points. | |||||
Poor access to credit | Availability of financial institutions. Existence of disability funds. Existence of BAC and LESDEP. | Government policies on Agriculture input. Existence of EDIF. Existence of Ghana Investment Promotion Authority (GIPC). Existence of NGOs. | Lack of collateral especially women. Inadequate co-operative societies. Poor recovery rate | High interest rate. Politicizing of government credit facilities. | |
Conclusion: District Assembly through BAC to collaborate with financial institutions to ensure easy access to credit. Formation and strengthening of more co-operative societies to ensure easy access to credit. | |||||
High unemployment and underemployment | Existence of BAC. Availability of NVTI. Availability of garages and other artisans. Existence of MOFA and large tracts of land. Availability of youthful population. | Re-organisation and strengthening of GYEEDA. Availability of training institutions to provide skills. Existence of Youth Entrepreneurial Support (YES). | Unwillingness of the youth to enter into agriculture. Inadequate institution in providing start –up funds. Inadequate entrepreneurial skills. Inadequate linkage between agriculture and industries. Existence of unfavourable land tenure system. | Low prices of agriculture farm produce. High cost of farming inputs. Unstable power supply. Embargo on employment in the public sector. | |
Conclusion: the D/A to collaborate with training institution for provision of jobs and skills for unemployed. DA to collaborate with training institution to develop skills in food processing and storage. DA to provide start-up capitals to the needy entrepreneurs.
| |||||
Low level of industrial development | Adequate land for industrial establishment. Availability of raw materials. Availability of cheap labour.
| Availability of large market due to closeness to Kumasi. Favourable Government policies on industrialization. | Low savings. Inadequate skill labour. Low entrepreneurial skills. High cost of land. | Under developed capital market. Cumbersome registration procedures. | |
Conclusion: Marketing the district potentials and opportunities. Linkage between D/A and training institutions to provide skills and entrepreneurial training. Dialogue with traditional authorities to assist in land and reduction in prices of land | |||||
Poor enforcement of rules and regulations | Existence of law enforcement institutions. Existence of task force. | Existence of Assembly press Existence of Attorney Generals Department. | Non-gazetting of byelaws. Political and chieftaincy interference. Non existence of higher bye courts. | Political interference. Delays in court proceedings. | |
Conclusion: Provide adequate logistics for law enforcement. Strengthening the relationship between DA and law enforcement agencies outside the district. | |||||
Low productivity of agriculture produce | Large tract of arable land. Existence of perennial water bodies. Existence of well trained agric staff. Availability of experienced farmers. Availability of agro-inputs Existence of other. Existence of two farming seasons (biannual rainfall system)
| Donor assistance to Agric sector.. Favorable government policies on Agric. Availability of market. Availability of input supply and machines. | High post harvest losses. Inadequate extension officers. Presence of sandwinning activities. Unreliable rainfall pattern. Presence of large number of ageing farmers. Presence of pest and disease. Poor farm tracks. Inadequate agro processing industries. Limited access to credit to farmers especially women. Existence of land tenure systems. | High input cost. Availability of adulterated agro chemicals. Poor loan recovery in the agric sector. Inadequate and untimely release of funds to support agricultural activities. | |
Conclusion: Enforcement of existing laws and policies concerning loan recovery, sand winning activities, illegal chainsaw operations. Introduction of drought resistance, early maturing, pest and disease resistance varieties. Strengthening of government policy on youth in agriculture. D/A to ensure adequate budgetary provision for agric. | |||||
Incidence of land degradation | Presence of security services and Assembly task force. Existing ISD and NCCE to embark on sensitization. Presence of traditional authorities and other exiting social groups. Existence of environmental and Agriculture sub-committees. | Favorable government policies against illegal chainsaw operations. Availability of EPA and Forestry Service Department. | Uncontrolled sand winning activities. Fire outbreaks in the dry seasons. Bad farming practices. Uncontrolled cutting down of timber species. High rate of erosion. Poor enforcement of laws.
| Proximity of the district to Kumasi Metropolis. Poor enforcement. | |
Conclusion: DA to strengthen the Assembly taskforce and security services to enforce bye laws. Use the ISD and information centres to sensitize communities. DA to lobby with the central government for Forestry and fire stations in the district. | |||||
Inadequate provision of potable water | Existence of DWST. High water tables in the district. Existence of large water bodies. Existence of trained mechanics. Major GWC transmission line passing through the district. | Favourable government policies. Existence of GWC and CWSA. Willingness of development partners to provide funding. Involvement of NGOs in the provision of potable water. | Pollution of water bodies. Unstable water supply. Lack of maintenance culture. Poor management of boreholes. Inadequate funds. | High cost of provision of water. Unstable power supply. Inadequate funds from central government and CWSA. | |
Conclusion: sensitization of communities on water quality and strengthening of WATSAN in various communities. Dialoguing with development partners to provide adequate funding | |||||
Inadequate sanitation faciliities | Existence of DEHO. Existence of final disposal sites. Availability of land. Presence of zoomlion. | Government policy on PPP. Existence of private companies in waste management and sanitation. | Inadequate logistics and skip containers. Inadequate refuse dumps. Encroachment on sanitary sites. High cost of sanitary equipments. Poor attitude towards sanitation. | Inadequate funding from central government and other donor agencies. High cost of sanitary equipments. | |
Conclusion: Seek public private partnership in provision of sanitation facilities. Generation of adequate funds internally to solve sanitation problems. | |||||
Changes in climatic conditions | Trained staff in climatic change issues. Presence of MOFA, ISD, community information services. Presence of reserved forest. | Government policy on afforestation. Existence of Metrological services. | Bad farming practices. Uncontrolled logging. Rampant bush burning. Burning of refuse, tyres etc. Uncontrolled sand winning. Bush burning and fire outbreaks. | High demand for sand and timber products from other surrounding districts. Inadequate enforcement of laws by EPA and Forestry Commission. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of communities on climatic issues and enforcement of bye laws. Regulating the activities of sand winning contractors. | |||||
Inadequate recreational facilities | Availability of land. Presence of T&CP department and Works department. High community interest. | Availability of funds from DACF and other sources. | Encroachment of lands demarcated for public use. Low communal spirit. | Inadequate release of funds. | |
Conclusion: DA to acquire lands for public use. Strict adherence to land use purposes. Enforcement of bye laws. | |||||
Poor Housing condition and property addressing system | Existence of T&CP department, building inspector and works department. Willingness of traditional authority’s. Availability of layout/schemes. Availability of logistics. Existence of committee on Street Naming and Property Addressing. Presence of artisans. Availability of building materials. | Government policy on Street Naming and Property Addressing. Existence of structural plan for Greater Kumasi. Reliable supply of building materials and artisans. Availability of consultants. | Lack of layouts in some communities. Poor access routes. Poor maintenance of houses. High cost of land. | Pressure on existing facilities as a result of fast growing population. High cost of building materials. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with traditional authorities should prepare layouts for the communities. Creation of access roads in newly built areas. Sensitization of communities on maintenance culture. Strengthening of building inspectorates department. | |||||
Inadequate power supply | Availability of the National Grid. Access of electricity in most communities. Availability of matured teak trees. | Proximity of the district to Du-Paul treatment plant. Favourable polices on rural electrification. | Absence of ECG office in the district. Absence of ECG subs station in the district. Low capacity of transformers. | Inadequate power generation. Poor attitude of consumers towards energy conservation. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of communities on propere energy conservation. Support the government programme on rural electrification. | |||||
Poor condition of some feeder roads and tracks. | Availability of funds for reshaping. Existence of quarry industries. Existence of heavy equipment companies. | Existence of department of feeder roads. Favorable government policy on road construction. | Plying of heavy trucks on some roads. Poor communal spirit Inadequate drains for feeder roads and track. | Inadequate and untimely release of funds. Poor maintenance of feeder roads. Too much rainfall. | |
Conclusion: DA should have a strong negotiation with the quarry industries to assist in road maintenance. Intensification of periodic maintenance of roads. DA in collaboration with the chiefs to revive communal labour spirit. DA should enforce provision of drains on feeder roads. | |||||
Frequent accident on highways | Existence of drivers and owners association. Presence of security services. Existence of area council task force. | Availability of road Safety Commission. Availability of Police Patrol Team. Availability of private towing services. Government policies. | Inadequate road signs. Improper sitting of garages. Inappropriate speed ramps. Indiscipline drivers and road users. Parking of long vehicles along roads. | Inadequate sensitization by road safety commission. Inadequate enforcement of road traffic regulations. | |
Conclusion: Strengthening of Area council task force to check traffic offences. Ensure adequate training and sensitization for union drivers. Construction of speed tables at designated routes. Garages along Highways should be relocated. | |||||
Inadequate access to ICT education | Existence of well equipped training institutions and ICT centres. Availability of reliable means of transport. Availability of source of power. | Introduction of ICT as part of education curriculum. Presence of telecommunication providers. | Inadequate ICT labs. Unconnected schools to source of power. Low income of parents. | Government policy on free education. Fake ICT materials in the system. Irregular power supply. | |
Conclusion: DA to construct lab centres for needy schools. Encouraging PTAs to shoulder some of the cost element. Dialoguing with the central government for extension of electricity to needy communities and schools. DA to collaborate with GES, private organisation to ensure success of ICT education. | |||||
Inadequate educational infrastructure | Existence of skilled artisan and contractors. Availability of local building materials. High budgetary support for education. Establishment of private schools. Availability of demarcated lands for schools. | Existence of DACF, DDF, GET fund and other development partners. Favourable government policy. | Encroachment of school lands. Low communal spirit Weak PTA in most of the schools. | Inadequate and untimely release of funds. | |
Conclusion: DA to collaborate with chiefs, communities and PTAs revive communal spirit. Increase IGF collection to support educational projects. DA to acquire all school lands. | |||||
Poor maintenance culture | Availability of local building materials and artisans. Existence of allocation for community initiated projects. Presence of PTAs and SMCs. Presence of MPs common fund. Existence of ISD and local FM stations. | Existence of mechanics and service providers Existence of DACF, DDF and other funds. Existence of FOAT assessment criteria. | Poor communal spirit. Low incomes of artisans. High cost of building materials. Lack of proper routine maintenance plan. | Inadequate and untimely release of funds. | |
Conclusion: sensitization of SMCs, PTAs, communities on good maintenance culture. DA to ensure adequate provision for maintenance of public buildings and facilities. Introduction of routine maintenance schedules and plans. | |||||
Inadequate health facilities and personnel | Existence of DHD. Existence of MP NHIS fund. Availability of religious institutions. Availability of land and other resources. | Government policies. Availability of donor assistance. Nearness of the district to KATH and Offinso Hospital. | Absence of health training institutions. Inadequate residential/office accommodation for staff. Inadequate logistics in some established health facility. Absence of Public District Hospital. | Unstable power supply. Inadequate and untimely release of funds. Unwillingness of personnel to accept postings to remote areas. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with the District Health Directorate, MPs and central government should provide adequate health facilities. DA and DHD to lobby for posting of health personnel in the district. | |||||
Incidence of malaria, HIV and AIDS | Existence of allocation for malaria, HIV and AIDS. Existence of EHD. Existence of DRMT/ DRI. Existence of DHD.
| Favorable government policy. Proximity of Teaching hospital. Existence of malaria control Programme and Ghana Aids Commission. | Poor environmental conditions. Inadequate logistics and personnel for DEH. Inadequate district responsive programmes for HIV and AIDS. | Influx of immigrants. Inadequate and Untimely release of funds. Poor behavioural change. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with Environmental Health Unit, DHD should strengthen sensitization on environmental cleanliness. Adequate provision should be made for HIV and stigmatization of HIV and AIDS victims. | |||||
Incidence of child abuse | Existence of social welfare department.
| Existence of child rights advocates. Existence of DOVVSU. Existence of CHRAJ and Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. Existence of nearby courts. | Poor parenting. Broken homes. Peer pressure. Non-existence of child panels in the district. | Inadequate release of funds. | |
Conclusion: DA to strengthen counseling services in communities. Enforcement of child right laws in the district. | |||||
Inadequate support for the physically challenge | Existence of social welfare. Existence of Disability Funds. Existence of association for the disable. | Existence of National and Regional Association. Favourable government policy on Disability. Existence of donor support for the disable. Existence of National Disability Act. | Inaccessible public offices and facilities. Absence of training institutions for persons with disability. Misapplication of funds by beneficiaries. | Late release of disability funds. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department to intensify education on stigmatization and discrimination. Enforcement of Disability Act in the district. DA to increase support for training of people with disability. | |||||
High population growth and density | Existence of DHD to health to assist in Family Planning. Existence of ISD and Local FM stations. | Proximity of KATH and other hospitals. Existence of PPAG and other agencies. | Existence of cultural and religious practices. Absence of social amenities. High level of teenage pregnancy. | Proximity of the district to Kumasi Metropolis Immigrants from other districts and regions. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with DHD to intensify education on family planning. GES to intensify sex education in schools and communities. Provision of basic social amenities for communities | |||||
Poor land management and administration | Existence of T&CP department, Survey Unit. Existence of traditional institutions. Existence of stool lands department. Existence of security services. | Proximity to Lands Commission. Existence of Otumfour Land Secretariat. Existence of LAP. | Convivial of chiefs with private surveyors and public officials. Poor law enforcement on building regulations. Presence of chieftaincy disputes . | High demand for land due to proximity to Kumasi Metropolis. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of traditional authorities and public officers. Strict enforcement of building regulations. | |||||
Ineffective supervision of schools | Existence of circuit supervisions. Existence of PTAs and SMCs. Existence of GES. Traditional authorities. Presence of Social Service Sub-committee.
| Existence of Teachers Organisation. Presence from donor agencies. Existence of Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service at national level. | Inadequate logistics and personnel to carry out supervision. Inadequate motivation for personnel. Existence of weak DEOC, PTAs, and SMCs.
| Inadequate funding from central government. Weak supervision of schools from Regional and National level. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with GES should make DEOC, PTAs and SMCs functional. Adequate provision of logistics and personnel should be provided by DA and GES to ensure proper supervision of schools. | |||||
Dwindling communal sprit | Existence of traditional authorities, area Councils and Unit committees Existence of religious organisations. Existence of youthful population. | Existence of Kumasi Traditional Council. Favourable government policies. | Negative attitude towards self help. Weak enforcement of rules and regulations. Inadequate logistics for communal work. Chieftaincy disputes. | Negative impact of economic situation. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of communities on importance of high communal spirit by ISD, NCCE, Community Development. DA in collaboration with the community leaders should enforce rules, regulations on communal labour. | |||||
Ineffective local governance structures | Existence of unit committees, Assembly members. Existence of DA office. Existence of revenue sharing arrangement. Existence of Area Councils. | National Policy on decentralization. | Inadequate office accommodation for Area Council. Low interest in Area Council, unit committee activities. | Lack of motivation for Area Council staff. Inadequate funding from central government. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of communities to promote interest in local government structures. DA in collaboration with communities should provide adequate office, logistics for Area Council. Dialogue with the central government to provide motivation for Area Councils | |||||
Inadequate permanent residential and office accommodation for DA and decentralized departments | Availability of land. Existence of DACF and IGF. Existence of DA and Decentralized departments. Existence of building materials, artisans and contractors.
| Existence of GOG and donor funds. Existence of GETFUND. | Poor performance of some contractors. Inadequate local revenue mobilization. | Inadequate and late release of DACF and other statutory funds. | |
Conclusion: DA to mobilize more funds for implementation of projects. Monitoring should be strengthened to ensure better performance by contractors. Dialogue with the central government for timely release of funds | |||||
Low participation of women in decision making | Existence of Queen Mother Association. Existence of Gender Desk Officer in the district. Existence of Gender Mainstream Programmes. | Assistance from donor organsiation. Existence of Gender, Child and Social Protection Ministry. Existence of NGOs that promote gender advocacy issues. | High illiteracy rates level among women. Inadequate resource for women to participate. Low interest among women. | Negative religious and socio-cultural practices. Lack of deliberate government policy on women participation. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with ISD, NCCE and other departments to embark on sensitization of women to participate in decision making. Dialogue with NGOs to support interested women in popular participation. | |||||
Frequent cases of insecurity in some communities | Presence of Police and other security agencies. Presence of Community Watchdog in some communities. Existence of Landlord Association. Presence of DISEC. | Existence of REGSEC, Army Command. Existence of Communication Network and Radio Stations. | Inadequate personnel and residential accommodation for security personnel. Poor street naming and property addressing . Inadequate logistics. Poor street lightening in some communities. Lack of co-operation from community members. | Inadequate funds and personnel Unstable power supply. Easy access of the district by armed robbers, criminals. | |
Conclusion: Sensitization of communities on security matters. Formation and strengthening of community watch dog committee. DA to provide adequate office and residential accommodation for Police and other security personnel. Provision of adequate street lightening. | |||||
Low linkages between agriculture and industry. | Existence of MOFA office and trained staff. Organized farmer based organisation. Existence of Rural Enterprise Projects eg. BAC. Availability of agricultural raw materials. Existence of few agro processing industries. | Availability of market by Kumasi Metropolis and other surrounding districts. Existence of potential investors. Favourable government policy. Existence of Ministry of Trade and Industry. | Inadequate credit facilities to expand production. Low entrepreneurial skills. Lack of start-up capital.
| Irregular electricity supply. Subsidies on foreign products. Unstable economic conditions in the country. | |
Conclusion: DA to collaborate with the NBSSI and REP, BAC to provide entrepreneurial skills to promote agro-based industries. DA in collaboration with the DOA to lobby donors for assistance to establish agro-based industries. | |||||
Low educational levels among rural population | Existence of non formal education unit. Existence of Formal institutions and teachers. Existence of role models. Existence of GES. | Existence of FCUBE. Government assistance and other donor assistance to Non formal unit. Existence of NCCE.
| Low income levels Threat from child labour Parental irresponsibility Absence of school feeding programme in some schools. Inadequate scholarship schemes for the needy but brilliant students. | Inadequate support from the central government. Unfavourable economic conditions. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with GES, Non –Formal Education Unit, NCCE ,ISD to carry out adequate sensitization on the importance of education. Establish scholarship schemes for the needy but brilliant students. Strengthen Non- formal Education and NCCE to carry out non formal education.
| |||||
Low entrepreneurial skills for the youth | Existence of BAC. Existence of NVTI and other artisans. Existence of youthful population. | Existence of NBSSI and Rural Enterprise Project. Existence o f Ministry of Trade and Industry. Existence of Suame Magazine. Existence of YES. | Low income levels. Inadequate training centres. | Get rich syndrome of the youth.
| |
Conclusion: DA to collaborate with NVTI, BAC , Ministry of Trade and Industry to establish skills training institutions in the district. DA to collaborate MPs to use part of their DACF and other funds to assist in the provision of skills training. DA to assist entrepreneurs to access YES fund. | |||||
Inadequate resource for agriculture extension services | Existence of MOFA service. Availability of few extension officers. Willingness of the DA to assist. Readiness of farmers to access agriculture extension services. | Existence of MOFA. Existence of Agric Training Institutions. Availability of donor partners. | Inadequate accommodation for personnel. Inadequate logistics. | Government embargo on new recruitment. Inadequate donor support. Untimely release of funds to support extension services. | |
Conclusion: DA to allocate part of its budget to support activities of agric extension services. Dialogue with the central government to employ new extension staff and provide accommodation. | |||||
Inadequate vibrant co-operatives | Existence of Department of Co-operative. Existence of some established co-operatives.
| Existence of Regional Co-operative Office. Existence of vibrant co-operatives outside the district. | Poor access to credit facilities. Limited support from DA. Absence of co-operative staff in the district. | Low governmental recognition or support. Inadequate funds from central government to support co-operative activities. | |
Conclusion: DA to make adequate budgetary support for the activities of Department of Co-operative. Dialoguing with the central government to support department of co-operatives and lobby for staff. | |||||
Inadequate market facilities | Availability of land. Availability of building materials, artisans and contractors. Availability of PPP Committee. Willingness of the DA to support construction of markets. | Favourable government policy on PPP. Availability of private investors. | Unwillingness of the people to pay commensurate rent. Low self help spirit. | Proximity of the district to Kumasi. Inadequate and unreliable release of DACF and other funds. | |
Conclusion: DA in collaboration with communities should establish special market for maize in the northern sector of the district. DA in collaboration with private investors should construct markets for designated areas under PPP. | |||||
Poor water resource management | Availability of large streams. Existence of DA and sub-structures. Existence of DWST and WATSAN Committees. Existence of well sensitized team on water quality monitoring and surveillance. | Existence of law on water management. Existence of NGOs on water management issues. Existence of EPA. Existence of GWC. | Poor farming practices. Presence of sand winning activities. Poor drainage system. Poor siting of some fuel stations. Non observance of buffer zones. Poor enforcement of laws. | Rivers taking sources outside the district. Poor enforcement of laws by EPA. | |
Conclusion: DA to enforce bye laws on water management. Sensitization of communities on water quality management by DA, NGOs, GWC and WATSAN Committee. | |||||
Incidence of child and maternal mortality. | Existence of health facilities. Access to transport services. Availability of some skilled personnel. Presence of TBAs.
| Proximity of the district to KATH and other Hospitals. Favourable government policy. Existence of NHIS. Availability of donor assistance. Existence of training institutions to train skilled personnel. | Inadequate health facilities and personnel. Refusal of some pregnant women to access antenatal, labour and post-natal care. Non-availability of standby generators at health facilities. Absence of National Ambulance Service. Inadequate laboratory services and equipment. Increasing of unsafe abortion. | Inadequate incentives to health personnel. Delay in release of funds to support child and maternal health. | |
Conclusion: Provision of CHPS Compound at strategic areas. Sensitization of expectant mothers on the need to access medical care. DA to assist in the provision of standby generators. DA to dialogue with the central government to provide adequate skilled personnel. Education of women on safe abortion and support for training of midwives on safe abortion. DA to support immunization of children and malaria control. |
Statement of Income and Expenditure of the District from 2009-2013
The performance of the District in terms of revenue and expenditure was below expectation. The total income received from all sources as a percentage of estimated revenue from all sources ie IGF, DACF, Others were 56.6%.
However, the IGF overall performance for the planned period is 75.5%. This explains why the district was not able to achieve its targets in project and programme implementation outlined in the DMTDP 2010-2013. For example, projects like construction of District Administration Block, and the DCE’s bungalow which were started in 2009 were still not completed within the plan period. The Table below explains the performance of the District in all sources as against estimated revenue.
Table 1.8: Income from 2010-2013
| Estimated | 334,170.00 | 2,084,500.00 | 415,000.00 | 2,833,670.00 |
Actual | 285,977.00 | 683,855.00 | 101,727.00 | 1,072,559.00 | |
| |
| Estimated | 356,781.00 | 2,100,00.00 | 986,038.00 | 3,442,819.00 |
Actual | 274,736.00 | 1,515,000.00 | 600,835.00 | 2,390,571.00 | |
| |
| Estimated | 392,831.00 | 989,561.00 | 1,828,080.00 | 3,210,472.00 |
Actual | 343,641.00 | 778,977.00 | 558,533.00 | 1,681,151.00 | |
2012 | Estimated | 639,250.00 | 2,300,000.00 | 1,069,640.00 | 4,008,890.00 |
Actual | 527,162.00 | 1,156,437.00 | 1,238,086.00 | 2,921,685.00 | |
| Estimated | 712,410.00 | 1,291,567 | 2,449,203 | 4,453,180.00 |
Actual | 512,920.60 | 620,341.91 | 499,045 | 1,632,307.51 | |
Figure 1.1: Revenue Generation Trend (2009-2013)
The performance of IGF saw a very remarkable trend within the plan period. For example the district was able to achieve 77% of the estimated revenue for 2010, 87.48% for 2011 and 84.40% for 2012. However, the performance for 2013 declined to 72% of the estimated revenue. It is therefore important that new strategies should be in place to boost IGF generation in order to curb the decline.
Table 1.9: Achievement of the District in Terms of Revenue Generation
YEAR/ SOURCE | IGF (% Achieved) | DACF (% Achieved) | OTHERS (% Achieved) | TOTAL (% Achieved) |
2009 | 85.58 | 32.81 | 24.51 | 37.82 |
2010 | 77.00 | 72.14 | 60.93 | 69.44 |
2011 | 87.48 | 78.72 | 30.55 | 52.36 |
2012 | 84.46 | 50.28 | 115.75 | 72.88 |
2013 | 53.20 | 41.55 | 20.38 | 31.78 |
Key Problems/Challenges Encountered During the Implementation of the 2010-2013 Plan
Inadequate release of funds from DACF and other sources have affected the status of implementation of the District Medium-Term Development Plan. However, the Assembly was able to achieve reasonable level of success in almost all the thematic areas. Some of the projects which were not completed as results of the inadequate inflow of funds are:
Construct permanent office block for the District Assembly by 2013;
Construct 1 No. Office complex for Ghana Education Service
Equipping 2 vocational schools by 2013
Increasing electricity coverage to Oyera, Duaponko, Abidjan, Dumakyi etc.
Enforcement of environmental bye-laws especially regarding establishment of filling stations
Conducting management skills training for 100 SMEs
Recruiting , training and engaging 1000 youth under the NYEP
Additionally, the district could not achieve its objective of surfacing 20Km of roads since these were expected to be funded by the Central Government. These projects will be pursued in the next development plan to ensure its implementation.
Lessons Learnt
The District Planning Co-ordinating Unit in discussing the review of the previous plans agreed that the preparation of DMTDP for 2014-2017 must take into consideration issues relating to the following:
Gender and Vulnerability issues
Millennium Development Goals
Applying rigorously laws and regulations relating to sanitation and the environment
Constructing of teachers quarters at Duaponko, Abidjan, Odumakyi, and Amponsakrom to help attract teachers to schools in these remotest areas
It was also agreed that the plan must make adequate provision for all departmental programmes and projects such ass the fight against rabbies and grasshoppers.
From the review, it was also learnt that, the Assembly could not implement all programmers and projects as a result of inadequate and untimely release of funds. Efforts and new strategies should be put in place to generate more local revenue for development.
Date Created : 11/10/2017 8:20:35 AM