The Ghana Water Company, public and private boreholes and other institutional packed water suppliers/vendors (bottled/sachet) are the major suppliers of water. Available data indicates that 83% of households have access to pipe-borne water, mechanised boreholes and wells inside their houses. The Municipality relies on Owabi and Barekese water treatment plants for treated water.
Sanitary facilities are mainly of two types; the modern water closet (WC) public toilet and private/household water closet. Open defecation or free range (i.e., Those without access to toilet facilities) is virtually non-existent. Liquid waste in the Municipality comprises waste water and human excreta.
Solid waste generated in the Municipality currently stands at 500 metric tons per day. Solid waste / refuse disposal is mainly through house-to-house collection (carried out by compactor trucks) and the communal collection points (skip container is placed at a vantage point within communities).
Date Created : 5/16/2023 12:00:00 AM