Population Structure

The projected population for 2022 based on the 2021 Population and Housing Census is 115,749 at an intercensal growth rate of 1.2%. The population density per square kilometre is 3,673.88 with a gender ratio of 92.9.

The Municipality has about 30 settlements with approximately 55,000 housing stock. The major settlements include, Ahenbronum, Nhyiaeso, Santan, Adompom, Pankrono and Adabraka.


(*Projected population based on 1.2% Growth Rates)
(Source: Population Census Reports - 1970, 1984, 2000, 2010 and 2021)


Available data indicates that 15% of houses are built with mud/mud bricks and 85% built with cement. Aluminium zinc is mainly used as roofing materials for the buildings in the Municipality.

Key Issues/Challenges

  • Inadequate street lights
  • Inadequate metal footbridges
  • Relatively poor road network
  • Heavy traffic congestion
  • Indiscriminate waste disposal
  • Insecurity/prevalence of social vices among youth
  • Youth unemployment
  • Poor sanitary conditions
  • Inadequate lands for development
  • Lack of truck/lorry parking space
  • Low entrepreneurial skills
  • Inadequate community libraries
  • Encroachment of public spaces e.g. school compounds, streets and cemetery
  • Limited access to quality health services
  • Low communal spirit
  • Poor state of market infrastructure Private Owner 30% Tenant Perching 37% 1% Caretaker 18% Government 5% Religion 9% Housing Tenure Compound 52% Detached 17% Semidetached 31% Types of Houses
  • Inadequate ICT centers
  • Inadequate toilet facilities
  • High incidence of malaria and typhoid
  • Inadequate data on the informal sector
  • Lack of office space and logistics for Ghana Fire Service
  • Inadequate logistics for Ghana Police Service
  • Inadequate logistics to embark on M&E exercise

    Date Created : 5/16/2023 12:00:00 AM