Small Scale Industries

Industrial activities are largely on small scale and characterized by over reliance on indigenous knowledge and resources. Sole proprietorship, family ownership and use of labour intensive technology are some of the basic features of this sector.

Major small scale industrial activities engaged in by the people include fitting, welding, carpentry and cassava processing, Local gin (Akpeteshie) production, oil palm production as well as tailoring, basket-weaving, beads making and batik tie- dye. Table 7 shows the categories of small scale industries in the District.




General Problems of Small Scale Industries

· Inadequate working capital

· Unreliable energy supply

· High cost of inputs

· Lack of organized unions

· High cost of credit facilities


Employment Sector

Table 10 shows information on employment sector of persons 15 years and older by sex. From the table for both sexes, the private informal sector employs the highest (83.4 percent) of the employed population, followed by private formal sector 8.6 percent and semi-public parasternal sector being the least (0.1%).

The percentage of females employed in the private informal sector is 88.1 while that of males is 78.6 percent. It can be deduced that irrespective of sex, the private informal sector is the dominant employer of the workforce in the district.



Access to Petroleum Products

There are a number of filling stations in the District. Some of these filing stations include Shell filling station, Top Oil, Goil filing station and Total etc. There is currently one gas filling station in the District.

Date Created : 2/21/2020 2:39:09 AM