The municipality is heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity with a high dominance of Akans and Ga-Adangbes. Ewes and people belonging to ethnic groups of the north also form significant proportions of the population in the municipality. With the Akan group, there is a fair mix of Asantes, Kwahus and Akims with a sizeable number of Akwapims.

The municipality is predominantly Christian followed by Moslems and Traditional believers respectively. Source (GSS, 2010 PHC).

The people of New Juaben North are mostly Asantes, who migrated from Asante in 1875 as such most of their cultural practices and values are similar to that of the Akans of Ghana. Some of the Cultural practices mostly treasured are: the rite of passage (Birth, Naming Ceremony), Puberty rite, marriage rites and funerals. Apart from puberty rites and naming ceremony which have been defined, the other rites have some little modifications. The people of the municipality are conscious of their moral values and try as much as possible to maintain them.

Like the Asantes, the people of New Juaben North celebrate the Addae Festival. These are Fofie, Wukudae and Akwasidae. Of late, the celebration of Akwantukese by the Chiefs and people to commemorate the movement of the people from Old Juaben in Asante has become an annual affair. This celebration has developed into a huge cultural celebration and this has enhanced tourism in the municipality.

Traditional System

The Omanhene, traditionally called “Dasebere” is the epitome of the New Juaben culture. He presides over all the other Chiefs within the New Juaben Traditional Council area. Below the Omanhene are the divisional Chiefs and the “Adikrofo’s” The line of inheritance or succession among the people who are mostly Akans, especially Asantes is matrilineal. Each family unit is headed and controlled by the “Abusupanin” and “Obaapanin” who always ensure that there is peace and harmony in the family. This system operates in every family and it goes up to the larger community where there are chiefs, queen mothers and elders, who apart from being spiritual heads of the large community, are responsible for the development, welfare and well- being of their subjects.

Implications for Development –Culture

The eventful Akwasidae where the spiritual meets the physical is a period when the traditional authorities (Chiefs and sub-chiefs) showcase their rich traditional culture. Is also a period to unite the people, settle disputes among families and sub-chiefs and also pacify the gods by seeking for gods’ blessings and protections.

Revenue is mobilized by means of appeal for funds to undertake development projects by the Chiefs.

Tourist and business activities increases during festivals thereby creating jobs and improving revenue of the Assembly.

The negative impact of these festive occasions has to do with the increase in crime and other immoral activities.


Date Created : 3/27/2019 4:12:29 AM