Location and Size
Manya Krobo District is one of the seventeen districts in Eastern Region located in the eastern part of the Region along the south-western corner of the Volta River. It lies between latitude 6.05°S and 6.30
Geology and Soil
Human activities on the vegetation have resulted in scattered patches of secondary or broken forests. The predominant souls in the Manya Krobo District can be divided into four main groups.These are soils developed over sandstone (Yaya-Pimpimso-Bejna association), soils developed over Buem such as sandstone, shales and mudstones (Dewasi-Wayo association), soils developed over acidic gneiss (Simpa-Aquantaw complex) and soils developed over basic gneiss and pyroxenite (Akuse-Bumbi associations
Soils developed over sandstone are the predominant soils in the District. This is made up of the Yaya-Pimpimso-Bejna association. These soils stretch from the northern part of the District south wards through Asesewa to Otrokper.These soil associations developed from Voltarian sandstone under forest and consist of very shallow eroded litho-soils in summits and upper slopes of scarps and hills.This is characteristic of the Yaya series. The Pimpimso series consist of moderately shallow, reddish and brown well-drained loose, concentionary, overlying slopes.
The Bejna series on the other hand consist of moderately deep poorly drained, gray, loose loamy sands on narrow valley bottoms. These soils are saturated with water in the rainy season, but dry out in the middle of the dry season. With suitable drainage, the soils are considered good for the cultivation of rice, sugar cane and vegetables.The Dewasi-Wayo association is developed over Buem. These soils are confined to the northeastern part of the District along the Ponpon River. This are generally found around the Apimsu area.
The association has summit soils shallow, pale-coloured, brashly soils and deeper and brown sandy loams of Nsomia series. These soils of the Wayo series are poorly drained and are not suitable for most crops.Just below the Dewasi-Wayo Association is found the Adomi-Kpevi association. These soils are the predominant soils around the Bukunaw area. This soil is also developed over Buem and has sandstone.Shale and mudstones, like the Dewasi-Wayo association are poorly drained and are not suitable for most crops, but can be used for sweet potato and vegetable cultivation especially along the banks of rivers.Next in the class of soils is the Simpa-Aquantaw complex found between Odumase southward towards Somanya in the Yilo Krobo District.
Those are soils developed from a variety of Dahomeyan acid schist and gneisses. The major lowland soils of Aqantaw series consist of gray brown compact sodic hardpan sometimes-calcareous clays. Cassava is mostly grown on the Simpa soils, sometimes intermixed with yams, maize or cocoyam.Groundnuts, sorghum, millet and banbara beans appear to be suitable for these soil conditions. However, without the acid of irrigation the possibilities of increasing crop production in this complex appear small.
The last of the soils in the District is the Akuse-Bumbi association. These are soils developed over basic gneiss and pyroxenite.
The Bumbi series are very poorly drained, very dark gray to black plastic clays occurring within depressing and wide flat valley bottoms. This is why they are found south of Kpong in the Volta Lake right down to Akuse.These soils have slow internal drainage. Due to the very slow run-off, the permeability and the high water holding capacity because of the clay loam, this type of soil is considered very well for rice, sugarcane and vegetables.
Date Created : 11/29/2017 6:35:14 AM