Development Prospects And Projections

The development prospects of the Municipal are derived from thorough considerations of the existing development problems and potential resources.  Demographic data on the size and territorial distribution, composition and the changes that may occur in the future are essential tools for development planning and programming.

Population Projections

The current population growth rate of 1.3% is expected to remain unchanged for the plan period (2006-2009).  The Municipal’s population for the next four (4) years is thus projected below:

Formulation of Strategies

To achieve the objectives set in this Medium Term Development Plan, appropriate strategies have been mapped out. These strategies, it is believed would produce the desired result for the District during the plan period. The various strategies under the three GPRS II Themes are enumerated below.

Priorities for Private Sector Competitiveness

Facilitate and enhance access to credit by farmers, artisans and traders.

Identify potential revenue sources and strengthening of revenue monitoring and evaluation.

Provide extension services and introducing modern farming practices among farmer groups and individual farmers in the Municipality.

Accelerate the growth of agro processing and small to medium scale manufacturing industries through appropriate and simple technologies and training programmes.

Extend of electricity to communities without electricity through Self Help Electrification Project.

Develop of feeder roads/trunk roads to enhance easy movement of goods and services.

Develop marketing channels for agricultural produce.

Human Resource Development

Construct/Rehabilitate of health and educational infrastructure.

Enhancing accessibility of the poor and the vulnerable to such basic services such as affordable healthcare, basic education, good drinking water and improved sanitation.

Facilitate the implementation of the Capitation Grant in all public primary schools.

Accelerate the drilling/construction of boreholes and expansion of existing water facilities to affected parts of the towns and communities.

Identify the vulnerable and excluded and integrate them into development activities.

Offer training opportunities to students and skilled personnel.

Create awareness and supporting activities of reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Embark upon sustainable environmental practices and resource managements.

Good Governance and Civic Responsibility

Encourage and ensuring public participation in decision making

Effect public security regulations and policing.

Resource local government structures

Embarking on tax education campaign in aid of revenue generation.










Date Created : 11/28/2017 2:03:09 AM