Information Communication Technology
Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become an important tool in today’s knowledge-based information society and economy. The world is now linked together with advanced communication technology and access to information is through the computer, mobile phone and Internet facilities, which are fast becoming essential for living a meaningful life. This chapter examines access to and use of ICT in the district. The chapter covers ownership of mobile phones, use of Internet, household ownership of fixed telephone lines and household ownership of desktop or laptop computers.
Ownership of Mobile Phones
Table 5.2 shows the distribution of the population 12 years and older having mobile phones by sex in the District. The data reveals that 44.5 percent of the 52,177 persons aged 12 years and older have mobile phones. Almost half of the male population (48.2%) have mobile phones compared to 41.1 percent females which means that ownership of mobile phone is more prevalent among the males than females.
Use of Internet
In terms of usage of Internet facilities, only 4.1 percent of the population 12 years and older use the Internet in the District (Table 5.1). For the sexes, just a little over 5 percent (5.8%) males use internet facility in the district compared to 2.5 percent females. Here again the use of internet is common among males than females.
Household Ownership of Desktop or Laptop Computers
Desktop and laptop computers are useful for accessing and processing information, including the use of the Internet, electronic mail and other services. For the district as a whole, only 4.6 percent of the households own a desktop/laptop computer. In the Kwahu East District, 5.9 percent male headed households own either a desktop/laptop computer while 2.7 female headed households either own a desktop/laptop computer.
Date Created : 11/26/2017 10:14:17 AM