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Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements for the DMTDP
All planning efforts should be result-oriented, and must aim at improving upon existing undesirable situation.  Monitoring and Evaluation is a means by which the desire improvement can be ensured and measured.


The importance of monitoring the District Medium Term Development Plan is to enable management, implementers and other stakeholders obtain relevant information that can be used to access progress of implementation of each of the projects outlined in the plan and to take timely decisions to ensure that progress is maintained according to schedule.

Monitoring of the DMTDP would be carried out at the following levels:
•    Activity level
•    Output/objective level

Activity level

Monitoring at this level would be carried out by the implementing and user departments, agencies and communities. They will monitor indicators and execution of activities and projects relevant to their sector and communities. The Departments, Agencies, Units and communities will generate monitoring reports and submit copies to the DPCU Secretariat.

Output/objective level

The DPCU would be responsible for the monitoring of the output and objective indicators spelt out in the DMTDP document. The reports of implementing and user agencies and communities will constitute a major data requirement for monitoring at this level.

The approach for monitoring activities, outputs and objectives would include the following:

Regular and periodic field and site visits by Project Officers of Implementing Agencies, Representatives of User Agencies and Communities, Monitoring Team and DPCU.

Bi-weekly, Monthly or quarterly DPCU review meetings. During these meetings, responsible agencies and departmental heads would present reports on the progress of implementation of programmes and activities. In addition, various monitoring reports from District Sub-structures, User Agencies and communities would be discussed.


Evaluation of the District Medium Term Development Plan (DMTDP) will enable management to determine most especially, whether the expected impacts of implemented programmes and projects are being achieved.

The DPCU will carry out annual evaluation of the DMTDP to assess outputs of the implementation of annual action plans. A Mid-Term Evaluation would be carried out in March 2008, and a final evaluation in March 2010. The focus of the evaluation will be on the set projected change. Stakeholder’s workshops would be organized to discuss the findings of the evaluations.

The main responsibility of evaluating the programmes and projects lies with the District Planning and Co-ordinating Unit (DPCU).  The DPCU will facilitate the evaluation exercise in a participatory manner. The involvement of Traditional Authorities, Youth, Women, Private Sector operators, Departments, Agencies, District Sub-Structures, Vulnerable and Civil Society Organizations is very important and necessary.

It is expected that the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) and the Regional Planning and Co-ordinating Unit (RPCU) would carry out general overview of all monitoring and evaluation activities in the district.


Date Created : 11/24/2017 4:30:53 AM