• Item
Parents of Toase R/C junior high to renovate school
Cocoa farmers in Atwima enclave receive free eye screening
Developing Atwima-Nwabiagya South is government’s priority – MCE
Atwima Nwabiagya South tops HIV/AIDS infection rate in Ashanti
Chief of Nkawie leads efforts to revamp Toase-Nkawie Hospital
Students urged to strive for moral and academic excellence
Atwima Nwabiagya South marks farmers ‘day


Implementation Arrangement
Institutional Arrangement for Implementation of Annual Action Plans

The effective implementation of this Medium Term Plan will entail the active involvement of the following:

The District Assembly: the District Assembly is the custodian and manager of the plan, and the desire to see that the plan is implemented. To ensure this the District Assembly will have to undertake the following tasks:

Effectively mobilise funds and human resources for the implementation of the projects and activities

Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of all the projects and activities  outlined in the DMTDP and also put in place measures for evaluating the plan

Provide competent technical and administrative staff and logistics to facilitate the execution of all projects.

Utilize the Sub- Committees of the Assembly and other structures to identify and promptly respond to all implementation bottlenecks.

Identify, contact and attract potential private investors in the district support project implementation

Carry out periodic review of the plan implementation so that corrective measures are taken in response to changing circumstances.

Maintain an effective and efficient information flow system so that all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the DMTDP know what is happening where and when.

Departments: these are both direct implementers and facilitators. They will offer direct and collaborative technical advice for the execution of projects. They will monitor the progress of implementation of projects/activities as they relate to their sector, and prepare and submit accurate reports on the implementation of projects and activities.

Non-Governmental Organisations: they are to offer financial support and technical advice. They also will have to invest directly towards the implementation of some projects and activities outlined in the DMTDP.

The Private Sector: the private sector is expected to play an important role by investing directly, in especially industry, tourism and agriculture.

Communities:  the community will have to make land, labour and funds available for the implementation of some of the projects in the DMTDP. They are also expected to play active role (especially, Traditional Authorities and Civil Society Organizations) in monitoring and evaluation of the DMTDP and to hold DA and its Department and Agencies accountable.

Development Partners: Development Partners will provide financial and technical support for the implementation of most of the Projects and activities outlined in the DMTDP.

 District Sub-Structures: the sub-structures will facilitate the mobilization of human, material and financial resources available at the various communities within their jurisdictions. They will lead the implementation of community initiated projects and monitor and report to the District Assembly the progress of implementation of all development projects being executed within their jurisdiction.

There is a budgeted  expenditure gap of ¢7,948m,  this gap is expected to be filled by unplanned GOG and Development Partners Inflows to the District Assembly, Direct Private Sector Investment, Community/ Civil Society contributions and other  GOG and Donor Funding to Departments and Agencies in the District.


Date Created : 11/24/2017 4:28:36 AM