Development Priorities


The following issues were prioritized by consensus at stakeholders’ workshop under the three pillars of the GPRS II. The prioritized issues were arrived at using the following criterion:

•    Impact of an issue on the larger proportion of the District population
•    The issue’s linkage effect on meeting basic human needs or rights
•    The multiplier effects of an issue on the local economy


Development goals


By the constellation of the i) strict development problems as informed by the analysis of the District current situation; the District potentials: opportunities; challenges and constraints, and within the framework of the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy, the Development Goal lb District that will guide the implementation of the Medium Term Development plan should  be:To build a solid ;. undution for the achievement of food security, informed civil society, appropriate education for all as well as effective and efficient health delivery and a vibrant private sector while ensuring equity in the benefits derived therefrom within a democratic environment.

 Development Projections for 2006-2009

The Development prospects for the planned period provide the framework for implementation arrangements. Tt assesses the adequacy of the existing number of facilities/services based or the GPRS II projections and indicators under the three thematic areas. Projections lor the plan period (2006-2009) have been highlighted on the ensuing sections.


Date Created : 11/23/2017 8:06:58 AM