• Item
GPSNP supports community in climate change intervention
Talensi DCE calls for calm as security pursue criminals
Women urged not to feel shy during cervical cancer screening
CSO calls for compensation for families without delay
Cardinal Namdini resettlement project commissioned
TALENSI: DCE hands over PPEs to churches and mosques
Talensi District makes strides in Development projects


Location & Size:

The Talensi District is one of the newly created districts, carved out from the then Bolgatanga District Assembly. It is located in the Upper East Region and has its capital at Tongo.

It is bordered to the North by the Bolgatanga District, South by the West and East Mamprusi Districts (both in the Northern Region), Kassena-Nankana District to the West and the Bawku West District to the East.The district lies between latitude 10.15 ° and 10.60 ° north of the equator and longitude 0.31 ° and 10.5

Topology & Drainage

The topography of the district is dominated by relatively undulating lowlands gentle slopes ranging from 1% to 5% gradient with some isolated rock out crops and some uplands slopes at the Tongo and Nangodi areas.

It falls within the Birimanian, Tarkwanian and Voltarian rocks of Ghana. There are evidence of the presence of minerals especially gold. The district is drained mainly by the Red and White Volta and their tributaries.

Climate & Vegetation

The climate is classified as tropical, and has two district seasons a wet rainy season, which is erratic.




Date Created : 11/23/2017 3:52:02 AM