Information and Communication Technology

Access to information and communication technology is essential in the socio-economic development of the Municipality and for that matter the country as a whole. The world is now linked together with advanced communication technology and access to information is through the computer, mobile phone and internet facilities which are fast becoming essential for living a meaningful life. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become important tools in today’s knowledge-based information society and economy.

his role of ICT in an emerging economy such as Ghana’s, has been widely recognized at various levels. The recognition is reflected in actions such as the development and deployment of a national ICT infrastructure, institutional and regulatory framework for managing the sector, promoting the use of ICT in all sectors of the economy, implementing e-governance in all government institutions and the construction of a National Data Centre as well as Regional Innovation Centers.

It is worth mentioning that, the Municipal Assembly as part of its contribution towards the development of ICT in collaboration with some development partners has provided ICT facilities for some schools and communities within the Municipality. The Assembly has also invested in ICT by purchasing computers for its staff to enable them discharge their duties effectively to develop the Municipality.  To ensure the commitment of the Assembly, an IT Unit has been established to tackle all issues related to ICT. The Assembly was recently also connected to the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information System (GHIFMIS) to enhance its service delivery mandate through ICT.


Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

The Assembly recognizes the important role STI plays in its drive for development. As a result a number of programmes and projects have been proposed to help propel this drive. Also, there exist a number of research institutions which has STI as their main focus of operation, some of which have partnered with the Akuapem North Municipality. For instance the Center for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine at Mampong and the palliative center at Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital using modern technology in pain and cancer management.



Date Created : 11/23/2017 1:47:28 AM