NLA CEO supports renovation of Behenease R/C Primary block

The Chief Executive Officer of National Lottery Authority (NLA) and parliamentary candidate for New Patriotic Party in Akuapem North Constituency, Sammy Awuku on Friday 15th February, 2024 visited Behenease R/C Primary School to see the extent of damage caused to the school block after a heavy downpour in the area.

Date Created : 3/20/2024 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Samuel Kumah/

The CEO accompanied by the Municipal Chief Executive of Akuapem North Municipal Assembly, Barima Awuah Sarpong Asiedu Larbi in a brief conversation with the headmaster of the school Mr. Kingsford Kalifi recounted that there was a heavy downpour accompanied by a thunderstorm in the area on Thursday 14th February, 2024 in the evening when school had closed

The storm, he said, ripped-off the building, exposing the entire headmaster’s office and the upper primary classrooms to the mercy of the rain.

According to him, this has caused damage to items in the office, especially textbooks, record books and other valuable materials.

Earlier in a short meeting with the staff, Sammy Awuku said education remains top-notch on his preference list and that he would do his utmost best to see to it that schools in deprived areas are catered for.

He also mentioned that if God willing he is elected as MP, his number one beneficiary would be teachers. He said he would make sure that teaching and learning receives the necessary impetus that would develop education in the municipality.

Again, he said he has decided to meet all teachers on Workers Day (1st May, 2024) to unveil his unwavering support to education in the municipality and what they stand to benefit and achieve if he gets the nod as Member of Parliament for the constituency.

He offered Fifty Thousand Ghana Cedis (50,000.00) as his contribution towards purchase of iron sheets and other materials towards re-roofing of the school block. The cash was received by the Municipal Works Engineer in the presence of the Municipal Chief Executive.

He also submitted that what he has offered was just the tip of the iceberg and that he would do all it takes to develop the municipality. In relation to that, he has lobbied the NLA to construct an ASTRO turf at the Upper Hills specifically in Akropong and the other one will later be built at a location yet to be named at the Lower Hills. The facility would serve as a platform for nurturing and unearthing sports talents among young sports enthusiasts, he emphasized.

Another issue that left goose bumps on the teacher’s skin was when he promised that through the GES, an Award Scheme would be put in place to honour deserving and hardworking teachers within the municipality to encourage teachers to die a little for the teaching profession. He also promised of building two (2) ultra-modern ICT laboratories in the area, one at the Upper hills and the other at the Lower Hills to narrow down on challenges of unavailability of computers in schools especially at the Junior High Schools.

Finally, he pledged to honour the school’s request of three (3) motorbikes that would facilitate their efforts of coming to school on time. According to the teachers, most of them commute between the community and other towns such as Koforidua, Adawso, Akropong and Tinkong to school every day and that provision of the bikes would help curb lateness and teacher absenteeism.

After the meeting, the CEO of NLA gifted the staff with an amount of Two Thousand Two Hundred Ghana Cedis (2200) to cater for their lunch. This received an uproar of cheers from the jubilant teachers.

The GES Director for the directorate, Lawrence Dzah could not help but applauded the kind gesture of Hon. Sammi Awuku. His prayer is that God grants his request and replenishes what he has dispensed in solving issues. In response to the lack of textbooks in the school, he said the directorate has placed an order and that any time the books are brought, the Behenease Primary school will receive its share, he added.