AKUAPEM N: Presbyterian College of Education officially welcomes first-year students

The Presbyterian College of Education at Akropong-Akuapem has inducted 680 first-year students into the Presbyterian Training College Community at a colourful durbar on Saturday, January 30, 2021.

Date Created : 2/2/2021 12:00:00 AM : Story Author : Samuel Y. Kumah/

The matriculation ceremony attended by parents/guardians, teachers, and invited guests was graced by Barima Awuah Sarpong Asiedu-Larbi, the Municipal Chief Executive of Akuapem North.

In his goodwill message, the MCE said the fresh students should count themselves lucky for being admitted out of the large number of people who applied for admission. This, he said should charge them to burn the midnight candle so as to come out with flying colours.

He was of the view that four (4) years was just a short spell of time hence they should not waste learning periods. He explained that matriculation is just like a birth of a newborn baby into a family. This means that, they have been initiated into the teaching profession and that they did not err at all to have chosen such a noble art.

He spurred them on by saying they should not allow anything to discourage them in their quest of seeking academic excellence in the field of teaching. He said great scholars and Biblical greats down memory lane such as Jesus Christ should be shining examples for them to go swollen-headed in their chosen profession.

More so, other professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and many others had all added their voice to the fact that without teachers they could not have been where they are today.

Again, he challenged them to be mindful of the fact that once they have been admitted, it means they should shove-off all problems behind and stick to their books. He explained that the President envisaged the challenges young people go through in their academic pursuit that was why he restored the teacher and nursing training allowances so that student trainees would have peace of mind and ample time to study.

He advised that they should not let the government and their society down by studying hard so as to give back what has been invested in them.

He also indicated that education had undergone a massive transformation over the years. In the past, Trained Teachers were awarded Post Primary Education Certificates, then upgraded to Teachers Cert. B then to 3 Years Cert ‘A’, subsequently to Teachers Diploma Certificate and currently Degree Teaching Certificate. This clearly underlined the strides governments have taken to upgrade the teaching profession.

He also touched on Teacher Licensing Examination still under discussion. He said the idea was to give the profession respect and make it very lucrative. He was making a comparison with doctors, layers, nursing among a host of others who undergo a similar examination to defend their professional prowess. He called on all and sundry to accept the new order so as to develop the teaching profession.

Finally, he charged the fresh students not to take lightly the COVID-19 protocols and that Ghana needs everybody alive. He believes frequent washing of the hands, the use of sanitizers, and the wearing of nose masks must be their daily routine.

He added that COVID-19 protocols, if not well observed could leave ripple effects on the economy which would go a long way to hamper nation-building as a whole.

The Principal of the College, Rev. Dr. Nicholas Apreh Siaw paid glory tribute to the alumni and the people from the area for keeping the name and the flag of the school aloof. He reminded them that education is a time of discovery, a time to learn new things about the world and find their talents and skills especially if they exploit the holistic training of the head, heart, and hand to their advantage.

He admonished the students to be responsible in every aspect of their stay in the institution as teachers under training while reminding them that any act or behaviour against common sense and tenets of the college was a breach of regulation.

He also said the school was working tirelessly to put the teachers’ expertise and everything that would facilitate teaching and learning at their expense. He also pepped them up to set high academic and ethical values for themselves and that nothing should limit them from achieving their dreams.

He employed them not to hesitate in approaching any lecturer or the school authority for assistance in times of difficulties.