Road Network
Kpando Municipality is accessed mainly by a mix of road network of highways, feeder roads and water transport via the Volta Lake. Unfortunately, most of the feeder roads become impassable during the rainy season as a result of serious erosion problem due to lack of good drainage system and the bad condition of the roads. The major affected areas are:
Kpando-Alavanyo-Kpeme, Agbenorxoe-Dafor Tornu-Nkonya, Fesi-Dzewoe-Dzigbe-Torkor, Dzigbe-Avetikope- Tornu roads and others.
Lake/Water transport
The Volta Lake with a shoreline of 80km long forms the western boundary of the Kpando Municipality. The Municipality is therefore accessible by river crafts and engine boats which provides opportunity for heavy interaction between the two entry points of Kpando Torkor and settlements in the Afram Plains District. The Lake transport in spite of its economic and social importance is plagued with some challenges. The presence of tree stumps in the Lake, the lack of adequate number of river crafts, frequent breakdown of the only pontoon and lack of good landing sites are the major factors that militate against the navigability of the Lake.
About 90% of the Communities in the Municipality are however connected to the National Grid. The other sources of energy are wood fire and the LPG. The presence of hydro-electricity is an opportunity to boost the industrial sector unfortunately this energy is under exploited
Postal and Telecommunication
The Municipality has enjoyed tremendous improvement in the communication industry. There is a modern post office located at Kpando.
In terms of spread of services, major service providers namely the Vodafone, MTN, Espresso, Tigo and Airtel communications are operating in the Municipality though with limited coverage. Vodafone has installed few telephone booths in some of the rural areas to improve the rural access to telephone services. This is far an improvement over the previous years.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 7:41:24 AM