• Item
DCE reshapes deplorable roads at Amenfi Central
NCCE leads tree planting exercise in schools at Wassa Amenfi Central
Upper Amenfi Rural Bank Ltd holds 30th general meeting
Amenfi Central Assembly in talks for a fire service office
Wassa Amenfi Central Assembly approves President's nominee



This chapter presents a brief description of Wassa Amenfi Central District with respect to physical features, political administrative structure, social and cultural structure, and economic characteristics. The chapter also discusses concepts and definitions as well as the organization of the entire report.

The Wassa Amenfi Central District is one of the 22 districts in the Western Region. It was carved out of the then Wassa Amenfi West District. The district was established by the Legislative Instrument (L.I 2011) in 2012. The capital town of the district is Manso Amenfi.


Date Created : 11/21/2017 6:46:57 AM