• Item
DCE reshapes deplorable roads at Amenfi Central
NCCE leads tree planting exercise in schools at Wassa Amenfi Central
Upper Amenfi Rural Bank Ltd holds 30th general meeting
Amenfi Central Assembly in talks for a fire service office
Wassa Amenfi Central Assembly approves President's nominee

Population Characteristics

The population characteristics of every geographical area are very essential and plays a major role in the planning and budgeting of resources to efficient utilization of resources for development. The population characteristics like age distribution, growth rate, dependency ratio, population density and migration patterns of people are critical for allocation of resources in the District.

Population Size and Growth rate

The current population of Amenfi Central District is projected at 93,160 at a growth rate of 2.5% per annum with 2010 population as the base (Assuming Growth rate, Birth rate, Death rate and migration and immigration remain constant for the period), The Population includes 48% female and 52% male. The growth rate is useful in allocation of resources. Comparatively the Amenfi Central growth rate is higher than the regional rate of 2.0 % but has the same growth rate of 2.5% with the national score. The District has fertility rate of 3.7 as against 3.6 for the region.

Age-Sex Structure

Table 1.5 shows that 42.6 percent of the population in the District falls within the 0-14 age group, 54.1 percent falls in the 15-64 age group and 3.4 percent falls in the 65+ age group. This distribution depicts that of a youthful population, which is a common characteristic of a developing country. Figure 1.5 shows the population pyramid of Amenfi Central District which clearly brings out the picture of the District’s youthful population by depicting a broad base with a narrow top.

The age structure demands for the provision of more schools especially at the basic and secondary levels. The population of the District is male dominated (52%) as against the female. It has a sex ratio of 108.2. This deviates from the national figure, which presents a sex ratio of 95.2, and the regional figure, which gives a sex ratio of 100. This development could be because of the male dominated mining activities in the District and the resultant migration of male youth from other parts of the country to partake in the business.

Furthermore, Table 1.5 indicates the dependency ratio of the District.

Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2010 Population and Housing Census.

Gender Analysis The 2010 population census shows that males in the Amenfi Central District are more than that of the females. The male population forms 52% of the total population of the District whiles that of the female is 48 %.

Societal Role of Gender

Women play a major role in the society but most at times, they discriminated up on when it comes to decision-making. They seek the welfare of the family, from preparation of meals to fetching of water. In the District where water coverage is low, women/girls have to walk a long distance in search of water. This affects the girl child’s education, as most of them have to walk a long distance to look for water before attending school.

Socio-Economic Role

Women play important role in the development of rural economy. In the District, women are involved in the following economic activities; Trading, Soap making, farming among others. They also provide services such as hairdressing and dressmaking. However, they are face with numerous challenges. Most of the female farmers do not own land hence the size of the farms are small, this has result in female farmers producing on subsistence basis. Another challenge hindering their economic empowerment is limited access to credit. This is due to women not owning property, which could be use as collateral. They also have adequate technical skills to undertake their trade.

Political Situation

The District assembly is the highest political decision-making body at the local level. However, during the 2019 District level elections, only one (1) woman were elected out of the twenty-three (23) electoral arrears in the District. This is mainly due to the traditional belief that when it comes to the governance and decision-making women have no place. Another reason is the low literacy rate of women.

Settlement system
Roads Network

Like most Districts in the Western Region, the Amenfi Central District has only a few kilometers of tarred roads while over 90.8% were not tarred. The total length of road network is about 650.5 km out of which 55.5 km are bitumen surfaced whiles 595 km are feeder roads that equitably spread throughout the District. A total of 265km feeder roads in the District of which108km engineered and 108km partially engineered whiles 200km are out engineered roads. 58.1% of the total road Network are good condition, the rest are in deplorable state and needed attention

Date Created : 3/13/2025 12:00:00 AM