Industry refers to the type of product produced or services rendered at the respondent?s workplace. Agriculture forestry and fishing constitute the largest industry, employing 84.5 percent of the workforce aged 15 years and older. Other major industrial activities include wholesale and retail; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (3.0%), manufacturing (3.6%) and construction (0.2%).

The table also shows the male and female proportions in the various types of industry. Out of the male population of 7,465, 15 years and older, 87.3 percent are engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishing and 7,158 of the female population, representing 81.6 percent are engaged in the same industry. About 4.0 percent and 1.7 percent males and females are engaged in mining and quarrying respectively.

Employment Status

Employment status refers to the position of a person in the establishment where he or she is working or previously worked. Table 4.5 presents data on the employed population 15 years and older by employment status and sex. About 50 percent of the workforce is self-employed without employees while the self-employed with employees accounts for only 1.3 percent. Employees constitute almost 3.0 percent of the employed population and contributing family workers represent 42.8 percent.

The table also shows that 58.5 percent of the males are self-employed without employees, 34.1 percent are contributing family workers and 1.3 percent are self-employed with employees. In the case of females, 41.8 percent are self-employed without employees while 37 1.4 percent are self-employed with employees. Majority of females are contributing family workers, accounting for more than half of the workforce in that industry (51.8%).

Employment Sector

Employment sector refers to the sector in which a person works. The sectors covered in the census are Public, Private formal, Private informal, Semi-public or Parastatal, NGOs and International organizations.

Table 4.6 shows the employed population 15 years and older by employment status. The private sector comprising the private formal and private informal is the largest employer in the district, accounting for 97.8 percent. The public (Government) sector employs only 1.9 percent. The semi-public and the NGO sectors employ proportions less than one percent each.

 The Table also shows that out of the total number of males employed, 96.2 percent are employed in the private informal sector and 2.6 percent in the public (Government) Sector. With regard to females employed in the District, 97.6 percent are employed in the private informal sector and 1.3 percent in the Public (Government) sector. Females therefore dominate in the private informal sector of employment in the district.





Date Created : 11/21/2017 5:25:01 AM