Traditional administration

The Nabdam District is made up of two paramountcies namely, the Nangodi and Sakoti with each having its divisional and sub-divisional chiefs. The Paramountcies are governed by Paramount Chiefs, elders and the tindanas of the respective communities. Within the Nabdam traditional area, custom, norms, values and taboos are greatly revered by the people. Many things are kept sacred, adored and prohibited by the people of the district. Many custodians of the traditional practices derive their livelihood from these sacred places as they serve as community based healing and psychologically relieving centres and most recently ecotourism sites.

The land tenure system in the Nabdam communities is usufruct in nature. Land is owned by individuals or families. However, the Tindana, who is the Chief Priest and custodian of the land, holds it in trust for the present and future generations, so he holds the allodia title. The power to decide on the transfer of ownership is vested on the individuals or families.

The District has some customary practices and festivals that are celebrated annually and are widely patronized. Some precede the planting season and others occur after the harvesting of crops. The notable ones include Tenlebgre, which is observed in the Nabit speaking areas, while Tungama is observed within the Guruni Speaking areas. There are other festivals and cultural performances that are localized in nature to foster closer community and family ties.

 Ethnicity and Language

The inhabitants of the District are mainly Nabit and Guruni speaking people. They both belong to the Nabdam ethnic group.


The District is endowed with some tourist sites. Notable among them are the Kaliag Lake stocked with crocodiles and fish, which are regarded sacred. The Zebre koog (Zebre Mahogany) is believed to be a representation of the existence of the ancestors of the people of Logre, who did not die but turned into a mahogany tree.

Date Created : 11/21/2017 4:01:48 AM