Development planning as a human oriented activity seeks to ensure provision of needs of the people. Population analysis is therefore one of the cardinal components, which helps to determine the direction of District Planning Processes.

Population Size and Growth Rate

The 2000 National Population and Housing Census indicated that the district has a population of 60,517 making up of 29,738 (49.14%) males and 30,779 (50.86%) females. The District has a population growth rate of 3.0% as compared to the regional and national figures of 1.9% and 2.7% respectively. - With this constant growth rate, the projected population of the Nkwanta North District in 2010 stands at 78,672. Limited access to family planning services due to inadequate

Communal Spirit and Participation

Basically, there is a high level of communal spirit and participation among communities in the district. This high communal spirit coupled with participation is seen in decision-making, project planning and implementation among various communities and development partners such as the Assembly, Donors and NGOs. This favourable condition is a recipe for successful execution of development projects and attraction of investors into the district.

Traditional Knowledge, Values, Attitudes and Practices

The indigenous people, who are the Konkombas and Basares cherish traditional values, attitudes and practices. Some of the values of the people are celebration of annual Yam Festival, traditional marriage rites and adherence to Sacred Fridays when nobody is expected to draw water from water bodies.

Besides, norms such as respect for the elderly, hard work, friendliness and humility are ingrained in the people. Even though these traditional values, practices and norms exist, they are gradually being relegated into the background because of external influences such as Christianity and foreign cultures. Nonetheless, the Annual Yam Festival is very much celebrated in September every year. This festival has the potential of becoming one of the most important tourist attractions in the district.


Spatial analysis deals with the nature of distribution of settlements and their functions in the space economy. This affects accessibility to basic services, employment opportunities, size and distribution of incomes and other developmental issues. This shows the importance of spatial organisation of population, settlement patterns, services, surface accessibilities, commodity in the planning of developmental policies and programmes for the District.



Date Created : 11/21/2017 3:28:59 AM