Implementation Arrangement
The implementation will involve all stakeholders though their roles will differ.
The Role Of The Assembly
As the principal actor in the developmental process, greater responsibility for the successful implementation of the plan falls on the Assembly.
Specifically, the Assembly will perform the following roles:
Ensure that:
- Development budgets of decentralized departments are used in the funding of the plan and not for projects outside the plan.
- NGOs pass through the proper channel in the implementation of their projects .
- Full involvement of its sub-structures and beneficiary communities in the implementation of projects .
- Provide counterpart funding for projects from development partners.
- Put in place implementation committees for projects and programmes.
- Timely review of the implementation with the rectification of problems in good time
- The above means that the Assembly has to play a more proactive role instead of only a coordinating one.
Other Agencies
Beneficiary Communities
As the principal beneficiaries of the intended developmental activities, communities will be expected to play a leading role in the plan implementation especially under demand driven projects / programmes to ensure their sustainability.
Decentralizes Departments
Decentralized departments will be the lead implementing agencies in many areas. They will also be required to provide personnel to the district Assembly and communities on project implementation.
Parastatals And Subvented Organizations
The Assembly will involve quasi-governmental organizations such as the Ghana Tourist Board (GTB). Population Council, National Commission on Women and Development, National Commission on Children etc. to participate actively in the implementation especially in the areas of provision and administration of credit as well as skills learning.
Non-Governmental Organization
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as development partners will have a great role to play in the implementation through the facilitation of community projects.
Private Sector
As the wheel of economic growth and in view of the determination of the Government to actively promote the private sector – everything will be done to involve both the formal and informal parts of the sector in the implementation especially over funding of projects.
The Assembly will help in creating enabling environment for farmers and fishermen, service providers etc.
Date Created : 11/21/2017 12:25:20 AM