Our Comparative Advantage
There are myriad of reasons why one should choose Kassena Nankana Muncipal to come and invest or visit to know the place. Our warm reception is immeasurable. This makes it stands tall among others. The following are some of the reason why Builsa should be your destination for investment!
The Kassena and the Nankana People
Our greatest strength we possess in this land is the people who live harmoniously though different tribes. Our warmth, kindness, hospitality, sense of humour and unity arc our hall of fame in the region. An experienced one cannot get from elsewhere.
The Citing of the Municipality
It is strategically cited in the region. It shares boundaries with Northern region to the south and also very close to Burkina Faso, Ghana’s neighbouring country.
Land Available
The municipality has a large land mass of yet to be developed. Aside the small holders of the traditional farming practices and the dispersed built environment/settlements pattern much of the land potentials are basically yet to be unearth.
Security, Law and Order
There has been continuous peace and stability enjoyed for a long time. With this, one is highly assured of enough safety and the safety of any investments and businesses. The peace enjoyed in the municipality can be attributed largely to the peaceful nature of the people and by that, any productive business activity can effectively and efficiently flourish. In close collaboration with the Municipal Security Committee the security forces are in place to maintain peace, law and order.
Improved Infrastructure
Over the last few years, the capital has seen much infrastructural development. Improvements have been registered in, private housing, telecommunications, health, road transportation, ICT, energy and all the major sectors. These developments are in a position to augment the growth and development of businesses and other growing investments.
Effective Municipal Assembly Authourity
The mission statement of the Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly states; "The Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly exists to improve the quality of life of its people by improving and sustaining appropriates enabling environment, food security, a well educated and healthy population through effective and efficient resource mobilization and management in collaboration with community participation"
The Assembly is committed towards this mission statement. With a functional and effective decentralized departments headed by experienced and forceful administrators, Kassena Nankana Municipal Assembly is leaving no stone unturned in development.
Date Created : 11/20/2017 7:29:12 AM