Educational Characteristics

The Municipality has in total 48 Public Primary Schools with 63% of these schools found in Teshie while the other 38% are found in Nungua. In the case of the Junior High School, out of 43 schools, 54% are found in Teshie, while 44% are found in Nungua.

School Enrolment

Enrolment figures for public school primary enrolment indicates that out of a total enrolment of 13,417, 53% are females while the remaining 47% are males indicating that the Girl Child Education Programme has caught on in the Municipality. Investigations should however be conducted to explain the low enrolment of males. The picture was also similar with the enrolment figures for Public Junior High Schools where 52% of enrolment were females as against 48% males.

Out of a total of 48 Junior High Schools in the Municipality as much as 40% are observed to be without toilet and water while only 4% had only toilets available. More resources should therefore be allocated to ensure that these facilities are available in the Municipality to give meaning to environmental cleanliness in the schools.

Comparison of Public Primary and Public Junior High School Enrolment

The absolute figures for Public Primary and Public Junior High School Enrolment by gender shown in the table below was done to access the progression of both male and female along the educational ladder in Public Schools. The analysis, as illustrated in the chart below shows that enrolment figures at the primary level experience a drastic fall from 13,417 to 2,634. It is therefore clear that many children from public primary schools in the Municipality are not progressing to Public Junior High Schools.

It is worth mentioning that although the analysis is limited by the absence of enrolment figures for private schools, it is most likely that a proportion of the public primary school children enter private schools thereby limiting the number in public junior high schools. In any case the drastic fall in the figures should still be a matter of concern to management since it does not augur well for education in the public sector.

The table above shows that 5,262 primary school children are currently benefiting from the National School Feeding Programme. When this figured is compared with the total primary enrolment of 13,417 for the Municipality, it can be inferred that approximately 39% of primary school children are currently benefiting from the programme. It is therefore anticipated that the programme shall be expanded in due course to cover all primary schools.

Key issues relating to the Educational Characteristics

Female enrolment in public primary schools is higher than males in public primary schools indicating that some inroads are being made in the girl child education programme.

40% of Junior High Schools are observed to be without toilet and water while only 4% had only toilets available. This is a pointer that much resource should be channelled to improve conditions at the schools.

30% of primary schools do not have both toilets and water available indicating that many facilities are inadequate in public primary schools.

Enrolment figures at the primary level experienced a drastic fall from 13,417 to 2,634 between in 2007 indicating that many children from public primary schools in the Municipality are not progressing to Public Junior High Schools.

Approximately 39% of primary school children are currently benefiting from the National School Feeding Programme.

Date Created : 11/20/2017 8:21:18 AM